The daily rewards pool increase

Viewly Developers
Published in
1 min readJun 27, 2018

The daily rewards pool has been bumped up to 1,000 VIEW tokens per day.

The rewards pool is a content subsidy program governed by VIEW Token holders. Its objectives are as follows:

  • Onboard content creators and their fans to the Viewly platform
  • Support high quality content production through VIEW Token emissions
  • Distribute VIEW tokens to as many contributing Viewly users as possible
  • Fairly reward skill and effort of the participants

What is high quality content?

Its important to discuss the term high quality, and perhaps start talking about high value.

A video could be of high production quality (good lighting, sound, story, its funny, etc.) but of low value.

We believe the video is of high value if it makes a viewer better in some slight way. A person must have grown as an individual as a result of this experience, or learned something new, something useful. It is time well spent.

Conversely the video is of low value if it only contains entertainment value, gossip, random factoids, news (usually negative) and makes a person lazy, complacent, willfully ignorant, deceived or manipulated. It is time wasted.

