Viewly Alpha 0.3

Viewly Developers
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2018

We have dedicated significant effort towards bug fixes, performance improvements and UX/UI polish for this release. While there are plenty of improvements yet to be made, we hope that this release is “good enough” for a early adopters.

Alpha is now available on

Yup, we have upgraded from to just

However imperfect, an actual product beats the out of date landing page. This commitment should also give some confidence to our awesome super duper early adopters.

Note: The old links will continue working as usual until July 1st, and will become permanent redirects afterwards.

New Features

Trending Videos

As the number of videos being published on grows, it becomes harder to discover good content. For this reason, we have created a simple, vote-based trending system.


The new Alpha now has a subscription feed that will display new videos published by the creators you follow in a reversed chronological order.

Mobile Friendly

The navigation bar has been optimized for responsive design.

New Voting UI

The voting system is now more user friendly, and provides guidance when applicable.


Last week we have decided to make our 26,000+ members Telegram group private, and restrict the ability of people to join. At this scale, Telegram is extremely hard to work with, because a.) it offers no moderation tools and b.) a coherent, single threaded conversation with this many people is impossible.

During the past few months, our Telegram group has been pillaged and attacked by hundreds of scammers, spammers and trolls. Going private has largely solved this issue.

In an attempt to create a safe place for intelligent discussion, we have started an invite-only Discord server. You can only join this server if the existing member invites you. Fret not, if you’re actually interested in the project and bother to look, you will stumble upon an invite sooner than later.

