Viewly public token sales details

Stefan Furlan


We are excited to share the details of our eagerly-anticipated Viewly token sale. This milestone event will help propel the Viewly platform on a journey of becoming the best blockchain-based, creator-centric video platform, as well as the first with smart contracts and peer-to-peer video sharing.

Contribution Phases

The Viewly token sale process is divided into the following phases:

1. Private pre-sale for bigger contributors — February 1st (sold-out, ⅔ of the tokens sold)
2. Public pre-sale for early bird whitelisted contributors — February 20th
3. Public token sale — February 22nd

Token sale details

Maximum token supply: 100,000,000
Circulating supply after the token sale: up to approximately 45,000,000 (45%)
Available in the token sale: up to 30,000,000 (30%)
Token sale start: February 22nd
Token sale duration: 1 month or until the hard cap is filled
Token sale price: $ 0.45
Soft cap: $4 million (already surpassed)
Hard cap: $12 million
Token distribution: after the token sale finishes
Accepted currencies: ETH


Whitelisting is the process of establishing KYC (Know-Your-Customer) and confirming your ETH wallet address to be able to take part in presale and token sale contribution phases.

Please whitelist at your earliest convenience.

Private pre-sale for bigger contributors sold out

On February 18th, we sold out the private pre-sale for bigger contributors. The minimum contribution was 100 ETH and contributors received between a 10% and 25% bonus, dependent upon the contribution amount. 66% of the tokens were allocated for the private pre-sale and have been sold. The remaining third of the tokens will be offered to the contributors at public token sales.

Public pre-sale for early bird whitelisted contributors

Start: 20th of February 15:00 UTC
Finish: 22nd of February 15:00 UTC
Participants: Contributions coming from the addresses of people who whitelisted and passed the KYC tests
Minimum contribution: 5 ETH
Price: $0.45 per VIEW. We will use the average ETH price on the contribution date as stated on to attribute the amount of VIEW tokens, contributor receives.
Bonus: 5%
Priority: first come, first served

Smart contract will reject contributions that fail to meet the above mentioned criteria.

Over 4,000 people have applied to whitelist up to this point. Please be patient and rest assured that we are doing our best to have everyone whitelisted before the token sale starts.

We will be doing anti money laundering (AML) checks of the contributors and originating addresses after the contributions have been made. We will return the contributions coming from the addresses or individuals that fail to pass the AML checks.

Public token sale

Start: 22nd of February 15:00 UTC
Duration: 30 days or until the hard-cap is reached

Participants: Contributions coming from the addresses of people who whitelisted and passed the KYC tests

Minimum contribution: 0.1 ETH. There has been a lot of questions to lower the participation amount, and in response, we have lowered it to 0.1 ETH from the 1 ETH initially planned.

Price: $0.45 per VIEW. We will use the average ETH price on the contribution date as stated on to attribute the amount of VIEW tokens contributor receives.

Bonus: no bonus
Priority: first come, first served

Smart contract will reject contributions that fails to meet the above mentioned criteria.

Whitelisting for the public token sale will open on February 20th.

We will be doing anti money laundering (AML) checks of the contributors and originating addresses after the contributions will have been made. We will return the contributions coming from the addresses or individuals that fail to pass the AML checks.

Stay safe

Phishing attacks are one of the most common frauds in the crypto space. Fraudsters do this with imposter websites (sites with appearance of the original) on a similar looking or sounding domains names. To avoid getting scammed through phishing, please take a minute to read the following instructions carefully.

Before sending any funds to Viewly, make sure the address you are sending funds to actually belongs to Viewly.

The smart contract address for the public token sale will be published on our website only. We suggest you type directly in your browser. If you’re clicking on a link, verify that you are actually landing on

More about Viewly

Find more information about Viewly here:

