【品牌的第n種可能 】 feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=10 品牌 x 顧問vs.客戶(影片)


品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding
3 min readJun 6, 2019


[ Bernard Kafui Sokpe │顧問公司Brandmeister Consultancy的創辦人及CEO。Brandmeister Consultancy協助企業提供品牌方面的諮詢及方法。Bernard 曾在品牌端以及顧問端工作過,目前則創立Brandmeister顧問公司。]

【品牌的第n種可能】 feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=10 品牌x 顧問vs.客戶



  1. 客戶「掌握」進度,顧問發掘「創意」
  2. 雙方必須合作,才能達到成功的品牌化目標

【The nth possibility of branding】 feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=10 Branding x agencies vs. clients

We have invited brand agency to share their ideas about branding, and also, invite founders to share their thoughts about the role of branding in their business.

However, have you wonder what are the functions of clients and agencies in a brand project?

Bernard has worked on the client side and agency side here is his thoughts about what’s different between clients and agencies.

  1. Clients control process, agencies develop and create ideas
  2. They need to work together to achieve a successful brand objective

#limitlessbranding #brandingN



品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding

每個行為背後都有個值得探索的想法,成就了每個獨特的『品牌』。我們探索著這些想法,用品牌的角度解讀這個 世界透過文字、影音,將多元的品牌概念深入淺出地傳達給更多人