【品牌的第n種可能 】feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=11 品牌 x 人物品牌 (影片)


品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding
3 min readJun 7, 2019


[ Bernard Kafui Sokpe │顧問公司Brandmeister Consultancy的創辦人及CEO。Brandmeister Consultancy協助企業提供品牌方面的諮詢及方法。Bernard本身在許多產業中都有豐富的經驗,包含電信業者、電商、B2B科技,等]

【品牌的第n種可能 The nth possibility of branding】feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=11 品牌x 人物品牌 (Branding x Human brand)


  1. 找到自己想要的品牌個性
  2. 人物品牌建立倚賴「形象」與「聲譽」
  3. 所有的品牌內容,需要與期望的「個性」相吻合

【 The nth possibility of branding】feat. Bernard Kafui Sokpe │n=11 Branding x Human brand

Have you ever wondered how to build a personality to a human brand? Bernard has experience in building a human brand for singers, and here are his viewpoints about how to build a personality to a human brand.

  1. Pick a personality that you want
  2. Human brand depends on perception and reputation
  3. Every brand content should reflect that specific personality

#limitlessbranding #brandingN



品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding

每個行為背後都有個值得探索的想法,成就了每個獨特的『品牌』。我們探索著這些想法,用品牌的角度解讀這個 世界透過文字、影音,將多元的品牌概念深入淺出地傳達給更多人