【品牌的第n種可能】feat. Kieran Miles │n=8 品牌x 新創企業 (品牌端)(影片)


品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding
6 min readMay 24, 2019


[Kieran Miles │攀岩服飾品牌 Duco的共同創辦人,Duco專注於生產對環境友善的攀岩及城市探險用具。源自於Kieran和朋友的一個簡單的想法:「一起做更多有趣的事」。目前為英國國家攀岩隊的贊助廠商]

Part 1: Duco的品牌發展與轉變?


  1. 一個簡單的初衷
  2. 發現未開發的市場區塊
  3. 形成能與消費者共鳴的清晰理念
  4. 將品牌宗旨融入在商業策略中

Part 1: The transformation story of Duco

Have you ever wondered how is a brand born? Moreover, where do you find your purpose and mission, and how to define these elements? Sometimes, it is easier than we thought.

We invited Kieran to share the story of Duco. And you might see, sometimes, a brand could be born from a single idea between two friends.

  1. A simple idea between 2 friends
  2. Discover the untouched market opportunity
  3. The idea becomes a resonance among customers
  4. Embed the core purpose into business strategy

Part 2: 商業策略與品牌策略在Duco中的角色

常常我們會直覺地認為,商業策略與品牌策略是完全獨立的兩件事。因為考量的因素不同,有時,這兩種策略甚至會產生互斥。在Part 2中,我們請Kieran分享,在Duco,商業策略與品牌策略各自扮演了什麼樣的角色。

  1. 品牌是驅動每個行為決策的燃料
  2. 讓品牌能成功的商業策略,必須找出商業機會、市場
  3. 成功的商業模式+明確的品牌定義,對企業成長至關重要

Part 2: What are the roles of business strategy and brand strategy in DUCO?

When talking about business strategy and brand strategy, sometimes we might feel that these two are conflicted, because these two strategies start from different aspects and focus on a different target.
In Part 2, Kieran shared the roles of business strategy and brand strategy in Duco, includes, which one came first in Duco.

  1. Branding is the fuel that drives every decision you made
  2. When it comes to business, it is purely about business strategy
  3. Successful business framework + clearly defined brand elements are important for business growth

Part 3: Duco與投資者及消費者的溝通方式會有所不同嗎?

當品牌在與投資者或是顧客溝通時,品牌溝通的出發點以及想傳達的訊息會有所不同嗎? 你是不是也認為,投資者看的是實質的利潤回報,所謂的品牌宗旨、使命,在與投資者的溝通上並不重要? 事實上,兩者的差異也許沒有你想像中的大! 在Part 3中,Kieran跟我們分享,當Duco與不同角色溝通時,為什麼他並不認為是不同類型的溝通

  1. 品牌宗旨、使命必須滲透到每個元素以及每件事情上
  2. 溝通的內容不同,但是核心訊息是一樣的
  3. 品牌不單只是識別,而是涵蓋整個過程。包含: 你做的事、你的行為、你用的語言等等

Part 3: Is there any difference between communications with stakeholders and customers?

When a brand communicate with investors and customers, are they different types of communications? Have you ever considered that investors care much more on returns, and we so-called purpose, the mission is less important to investors?

In fact, these communications might not have much different than we thought. In Part 3, Kieran shares his idea about why he thinks there is no difference between communicating with investors and customers.

  1. The mission and purpose need to be absolutely driven to every element and everything you do
  2. The contents you communicate are different between investors and customer, but the core message is the same.
  3. A brand is not just a logo but covering the whole process, e.g. the things you do, the way you behave and the language you use.

#limitlessbranding #brandingN



品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding

每個行為背後都有個值得探索的想法,成就了每個獨特的『品牌』。我們探索著這些想法,用品牌的角度解讀這個 世界透過文字、影音,將多元的品牌概念深入淺出地傳達給更多人