【品牌的第n種可能】feat. Virgilio Jarrín │n=9 品牌x顧問公司(影片)


品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding
3 min readMay 30, 2019


[ Virgilio Jarrín │現於全球最大的品牌顧問公司之一的Superunion任職。如果你請Virgilio介紹自己,他會跟你說: “我是人,我是受到人類啟發的拉丁美洲人,我為人類工作,為人類改變事情。我在品牌顧問公司工作,幫助企業更深入的了解人,同時擁抱人性。具有巨大的好奇心,不斷的追尋能夠讓社會、組織一同成長的新的意義”]


1. 顧問公司每天在解決顧客的問題,而不是他們自己的

2. 溝通成了突顯自己特色的關鍵

3. 成立小組,讓這些特色非常顯著的呈現給客戶

4. 任何接觸點都應該傳達給客戶清晰的訊息:「為什麼我選擇你當我的夥伴」

[ Virgilio Jarrín │ “Me? If you ask me, I’ll tell you I’m human. I’m a Latino inspired by humans, working for humans, and changing things for humans. I work in branding helping businesses understand people better while embracing humanness. Powered by immense curiosity, I constantly chase for new meanings in society that can make us and our organisations grow together. ”]

Have you ever wondered, how should agencies branding themselves while they spend most of the time on solving clients’ problem?

Here are Virgilio’s thoughts about the importance of “communication” for agencies.

  1. Agencies spend time on solving clients’ problems but not their own
  2. Communication is an important role to make uniqueness visible
  3. Set a team and really build that uniqueness to agency
  4. Every touch point should reflect “why I should hire you as my partner”

#limitlessbranding #brandingN



品牌視角 VIEWPOINTS branding

每個行為背後都有個值得探索的想法,成就了每個獨特的『品牌』。我們探索著這些想法,用品牌的角度解讀這個 世界透過文字、影音,將多元的品牌概念深入淺出地傳達給更多人