“We Have To Be As Good As We Possibly Can In What We Do”

Can we fix the news? Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of the Guardian and author of “Breaking News“ is optimistic. An interview about the future of news and the importance of journalism in our modern world.

Felix M. Simon


Alan Rusbridger is one of the best and most successful newspaper editors of our time. At the helm of The Guardian from 1995 to 2015, he saw the newspaper through turbulent times — both economically and politically. Under his watch, the Guardian published investigations into the British phone-hacking scandal and covered the Wikileaks Afghan War documents. He also oversaw the Pulitzer prize-winning reporting of Edward Snowden’s revelations of American and British state surveillance — stories that would see the Guardian rise to a position of international renown. Rusbridger’s decision to embrace the digital revolution in news helped expand The Guardian’s audience, making it one the world’s most-read newspapers on the Internet.

Having stepped back from his position as the newspaper’s editor-in-chief in 2015, he is now the Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, a constituent college of the University of Oxford, as well as the Chair of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.



Felix M. Simon

Research Fellow AI & News, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Uni of Oxford | DPhil, Oxford Internet Institute