Cinema Disaster: The Last Vampire On Earth

Jennifer R. Povey
Views of Other Planes
2 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

I watched this one so you don’t have to. CW: Boredom. I’d say spoilers follow, but it’s already pretty spoiled.

I don’t just mean my boredom. The entire cast sounded as if they would rather be somewhere, anywhere, else. I’m not sure the camera crew weren’t bored too.

Based off of a self-published novel of the same title by somebody called Mandie L. Abraham…or is it Vitaliy Versace? Or both. Amazon has both names listed but only Abraham is on the cover. I hope she took the money for the option and ran without watching the movie. She should have spent some of it on better cover art.

Or maybe she didn’t get enough.

“Starring” Michael Bole as Aurelius (who never gets a last name) and McKenzie Grimmett as Chloe Parish, this is a yawnworthy YA romance, although at least this vampire chooses to relive college, not high school. He’s looking for a cure for various “blood diseases” including AIDS.

Which Chloe has…and yes, they do explain how a nice Jehovah’s Witness (we assume) girl gets AIDS in a sort of feasible way.

The setup includes the vampire being cast to play Dracula in a class play of Bram Stoker’s book. Oh, and he’s a hematologist. There is nothing subtle here.



Jennifer R. Povey
Views of Other Planes

I write about fantasy, science fiction and horror, LGBT issues, travel, and social issues.