
Kaushal Shah
Published in
Dec 17, 2020
Faith — ViewShare

Words are erased to be re-written

Lives perish to rejuvenate

Feelings are senses of joy and sorrow

Sun sets, to rise again tomorrow

Tears are emotions uncontrolled

Death doesn’t wait until called

Trees fade away to blossom someday

Soul departs, to return one day

Expensive is something that you can’t buy

Dew is a wet diamond, not dry

Pictures become beautiful when coloured

for specials, colourless is their entire world

Beautiful is to learn to accept what we have

Work hard to achieve and respect what he gave

Tomorrow is yours, today is a past

Climb up, fall again, till the breath you have is last.



Kaushal Shah

“It seems as though inspiration strikes at the most unlikely times”