Today we celebrate the freedom of creative code writing

From the series “I love Fridays”, episode two

Darío Javier Cravero
Views Tools
2 min readJan 27, 2017


We do love Fridays but not because it’s the end of the working week. Oh no! We go around the clock, seven days a week to get Views out there.
We love Fridays because it’s our celebration day!

And today we have a big one!!! 🎊 🎉 🎊

So, this is front-end code as you know it today, right?

Random code, courtesy of Tom :)

It’s everywhere. It’s the golden standard. HMTL, CSS, Javascript, and many others are using a similar syntax in development. Super easy to grasp right off the bat, isn’t it? 😳 😱 🙈

To developers, it feels ok, we are used to it, we’ve spent countless hours learning all of it. However, we’re not the only ones building those applications. Designers are there working with us too and because they’re our very good friends we wanted to empower them to make more impactful contributions within all the responsibilities that they have every day. For that, we had to make the language simpler. And when we started simplifying, there was no stopping at all. Now that’s a rabbit hole 😜.

We focused on making code meaningful and flexible by removing almost everything that was in the way of using it creatively.

In our new Views syntax, there is no unnecessary punctuation, no brackets, no colons, and… wait for it… no indentation!!!

So what’s left? Well, see for yourself:

New Views syntax with proximity nesting and dynamic hints!

Tom, went absolutely nuts 😜 when he saw it working for the first time!

No wonder he did. Now it’s simple and intuitive enough to let the creative madness flow freely between designers and developers.

We even threw in dynamic hints as you code to assist you fixing issues on the spot! And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Wait until our SuperscriptJS-driven artificial intelligence kicks in to answer all your questions! 💥

If you want to try it yourself, sign up for updates here, join our Slack community or follow us on Twitter. We are launching very soon!

Click 💚 to celebrate with us today! 🍾



Darío Javier Cravero
Views Tools

Making Views Tools, a simple, fast way to design, build and change interfaces together