☝️Engineering the UX and UI in a new app

When a designer gets access to code this happens — working sessions series on Youtube

Sharing tricks, ideas, process, and tools!

Views Tools
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2020


It’s been over six years of design, development, and testing of more straightforward ways for non-technical team members to contribute to a project’s codebase.

Together with Darío, we had to engineer new language, compilers, and tools since giving access to the HTML, CSS, and Javascript was too complex for designers and product owners.

Empowered and motivated, I’ve realised that it’s time to share the way I work with Views and React.

The freedom and simplicity of making changes directly in a working app pushed me beyond the limits of wire-framing, drawing pixels, and dragging layers around the Illustrator’s art-board.

I want to do my thing! And now I can.

I don’t have much time on my hands since I actively work as a UX designer, so I figured I would record my screen as I work and, for better or worse, put it on Youtube 🙈.

First couple series are there already, and I will be adding more as I go.

Here’s the link to the channel:

Wish me strength and perseverance, and comment below the videos if you have questions, or reach out to me via Twitter.



Tom Parandyk
Views Tools

Product designer, eager engineer, strategist, wild innovator, proud dad, creative leader, aspiring musician.