Android: Manage User Session using Shared Preferences

Anurag Dhunna
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

In this post, I will show you how to maintain user session in an Android App.

In other words, the user login session will be maintained in an app even if the app is closed or crashed. The user will always be in a logged in state until he logouts. This functionality can be found in a lot of application like Facebook, Twitter etc.

We will implement this by using SharedPreferences, in shared preferences the data is stored and retrieved in key-value pair.


We will create 2 screens-

  1. Login

2. Welcome

The user will enter credentials, if the credentials are valid then the user will get logged in. We will set ‘LoggedInStatus’ to ‘true’ in Shared Preferences.

When the logouts, will set the ‘LoggedInStatus’ to ‘false’.

Note: Please check inline comments for better understanding

Login Activity

Welcome Activity

Shared Preferences

I have used Retrofit Client for API call.

For complete reference please the check:

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Anurag Dhunna

Android, Java Software Developer. I write about technologies that I used in the journey of programming. Email: