Service storage and bandwidth cost calculator

Vijay Pandurangan
1 min readJan 29, 2014


This page allows you to simulate the costs of storage and bandwith for a simple web service like Facebook or Snapchat. For more info on why this might be interesting, please read my post about infrastructure in ephemeral networks.

The defaults are based on data for Facebook based on a number of publicly available data. The system is assumed to consist of a set of people that upload media (photos, for this analysis). In order to model growth, I assume that the number of items uploaded grows according to an exponential function. The default values have been fit using publicly available data about facebook from between 2009 and 2012.

These media are then later assume to be consumed by other users of the system. In the case of services-with-history (e.g. FB), I model the peak and average QPS of data as a fraction of the total amount of data cumulatively stored. In the case of ephemeral networks (e.g. Kik, Snapchat), we model storage and bandwith by estimating the fanout of each message, and the number of messages that are never received (leftover messages are assumed to be stored forever).

Storage and bandwidth costs are estimated based on costs on EC2 and other similar systems.

Feel free to play around with the numbers.

The code is available on github: Web service storage cost simulator.

Questions or comments? Use twitter to reach me: @vijayp (Vijay Pandurangan)



Vijay Pandurangan

EIR @Benchmark. Formerly: Eng Director & NY Eng Site Lead @Twitter. Founder @MitroCo, TL/M @Google.