The Key to Snapchat’s Profitability: It’s Dirt Cheap to Run

Vijay Pandurangan
Vijay Pandurangan
Published in
6 min readJan 29, 2014

Note: this article was published in Wired. Check out my handy service storage and bandwidth calculator.

Ever since Snapchat turned down a $3 billion all-cash offer from Facebook this past November, there’s been no shortage of discussion about it and the rest of its photo-sharing-and-messaging service cohort, including WhatsApp, Kik, Japan-based LINE, China-based WeChat, and Korea-based Kakao Talk. Explanations for this phenomenon have ranged from the need to redefine identity for the social-mobile era to the rise of ephemeral, disposable media.

Regardless of why this trend is taking off, however, it’s clear that the so-called messaging “wars” are heating up. As always, the euphoria over “hockey-stick” user growth numbers are beginning to give way to the sobriety of analysis, yielding the inevitable question: can they monetize? Snapchat, with its massive (paper) valuation is at the vanguard of such criticism, especially given the irony that the service is essentially deleting its biggest asset.

So, how can Snapchat effectively monetize without its user data? By operating its service an order of magnitude cheaper than its competitors.

Surprisingly little time has been spent examining how one can rethink a storage-centric infrastructure model for disappearing data. This isn’t just relevant to engineers; it has important implications for helping services like Snapchat save — and therefore make — money. (By the way, that would need to be about $500 million revenue and $200 million profit to justify its $3 billion valuation in November.)

It’s very simple: If the appeal of services like SnapChat is in the photos (“the fuel that social networks run on”), then the costs are in operating that photo sharing-and-serving service, as well as of running any monetization — such as ads — that will be built on top of that infrastructure. But I’d even go so far to argue that making use of advanced infrastructure protocols could let Snapchat get away with paying almost no bandwidth costs for a large subset of media.

How? Well, let’s begin by comparing Snapchat’s infrastructure to that of a more traditional social network: its erstwhile suitor, Facebook.

According to publicly available data, Facebook users upload 350 million images a day. Back when users were adding 220 million photos weekly in 2009, the company was serving upwards of 550,000 images per second at peak — and they did it by storing five copies of each image, downsampled to various levels, in a photo storing-and-serving infrastructure called Haystack. (For obvious reasons, the exact architecture of these systems is not known.)

That gives you a sense of the scope of the infrastructure. But the salient detail here is the total cost of this serving-and-storage — including all-in per-byte cost of bandwidth — which I estimate to be more than $400 million a year.

If you want the details or to play around on your own, here’s a handy service storage and bandwidth calculator. As a quick summary, here’s what went into my calculation, which also includes ancillary costs such as power, capital for servers, human maintenance, and redundancy. The most important variables in my cost calculation are:

  • the number of images/videos uploaded each month (estimated at ~ 400M photos daily)
  • the size of each image/video (estimated at 3MB)
  • the average number of images/videos served each month (estimated at 9.5% of all images)
  • all-in per-byte bandwidth/serving cost (estimated at $5*10–11)
  • all-in per-byte storage cost (estimated at $5*10–11)
  • exponential growth rate coefficient (r, estimated at ~ 0.076, using Pt = P0ert).

To compare Facebook’s costs to Snapchat’s, however, we also have to include these variables: the mean number of recipients of each Snapchat message (estimated very conservatively at 2.5); and the fraction of total messages that are undelivered (estimated at 10%).

Obviously, we are comparing a much larger service that has advertising — Facebook — to one that is much smaller in scope and doesn’t have any advertising (yet). But I’d argue that this doesn’t really matter, in principle. Because even though Facebook has to make sure its infrastructure can store and serve the data needed to sell ads, the reality is that much of the information that helps advertisers target users is the metadata of user interactions — with whom, where, how, and when (as well as what they ‘like’) — as opposed to the content of what those users are actually saying.

This means that despite their differences, storing and analyzing only the metadata would still allow Snapchat to build similar profiles of its users. This would allow Snapchat to sell ads that target users just as Facebook does (assuming of course that their product can attract a consistent customer base) — and with one huge advantage: lower costs, since Snapchat doesn’t need to store or serve any messages after they’ve been delivered.

This kind of approach to user targeting, with its metadata-centric infrastructure and associated cost savings — is by no means unique to Snapchat. The public revelations about NSA’s surveillance operations point to a similar architecture: Storing the entire content of all intercepted communication would be prohibitive in terms of cost and space, but not so for metadata. In fact, the way the metadata is (theoretically) used to target whatever individuals and groups NSA agents deem to be a threat is not dissimilar to how advertising targeting works. But that’s a separate concern.

What makes Facebook’s (and any other traditional social network’s) photo-serving costs so expensive is having to keep data in a high-availability, low-latency, redundant, multi-master data store that can withstand temporary spikes in traffic load. But much of this expense is unnecessary for storing and processing metadata. Based on some additional assumptions (such as the number of recipients of each message), we can estimate that, even if their per-byte storage costs were 5x higher, Snapchat would only need to pay $35 million a year (under 9% of Facebook’s total estimated infrastructure costs) to handle a similar load — all while accruing a trove of data with similar targeting value.

It’s like getting a mile when you’re only giving an inch.

How could Snapchat reduce their bandwidth and storage costs even further? The key, again, is in the seemingly mundane: infrastructure. There are a number of more complicated optimizations that could make the system even cheaper to operate. For example, Snapchats between parties that are concurrently online could be delivered via peer-to-peer messaging (think Skype). Because these messages would never even flow over Snapchat’s network, it would reduce Snapchat’s delivery costs to nearly nothing. Firewalls are an impediment, of course, but a number of solutions, including proxy servers in the edge of the network, or ICE (RFC 5245) could make this doable relatively soon. Snapchat could even store encrypted, undelivered messages on other users’ phones, ensuring availability by using erasure coding with sufficient redundancy. (This means that they could split your media up into many overlapping pieces, only a few of which are needed to reconstitute the entire picture/movie. Each piece would be given to a different user, encrypted so that no one other than the recipient would be able to glean any information about the data, and so that with high probability, enough users will be online at any time to reconstruct the data.) While it’s hard to guess what fraction of messages are exchanged between parties that are online, the impact of such an infrastructure design would definitely be substantial.

Despite not having to store and service large bits of content, a new generation of messaging services are emerging that can use cost-effective infrastructure operate an order of magnitude more cheaply than the Facebooks of the world. By storing only the metadata of interactions, they can effectively target users and monetize these systems. The only questions that remains is whether they can make a compelling enough product to keep users coming back for more.



Vijay Pandurangan
Vijay Pandurangan

EIR @Benchmark. Formerly: Eng Director & NY Eng Site Lead @Twitter. Founder @MitroCo, TL/M @Google.