Handling Permissions in Flutter App| Permission Handlers | The right way to check for permissions

Vijay R
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2023


In this article we will discuss about how to handle device permission and monitor permission status in our flutter apps.

🎥 Video Tutorial

🛠️ Dependencies

🔭 Implementation

With the help of this permission handler package we will be able to request permission when our our flutter app invokes any device specific apis access like the camera, microphone, gallery etc.,

In our example, we will try to access the device gallery using this permission handler package and monitor the status of the device permission, whether it is allow or denied thereby rendering suitable alert box based on the status of the permission. (eg., we try to render alert box if the user…



Vijay R

Hai👋 I’m a flutter developer experienced in designing and developing stunning mobile apps. Reach out for freelance projects: calico.takeoff_01@icloud.com