functions & methods

what’s the difference?

Vik Denic
vik denic


If you think methods in Swift look similar to functions, you’re right. In fact, they are functions.

But before discussing the difference between a function and a method in Swift, it helps to understand the difference between a stored variable and a stored variable property.

For example, consider the following variable named count :

Depending on the context, count can be either a stored variable, or a stored property. When a variable is declared at global scope or the local scope of a function, it is referred to as a stored variable. When it is declared in the context of a class or structure declaration, it is referred to as a stored variable property.

This same concept applies to functions and methods.

A method is simply a function that exists within a class. So every class inherits that method, whereas a function (declared outside of a class) can be called anywhere in the program.

For example, consider the following function:

What you see above is a function. It can be called anywhere in a program. But what if that function is declared within a class (shown below)?

Because func increment() is called within the class Counter, it is considered a method of that class. And is only called within instantiations of the Counter class.


Apple Documentation on Declarations

Apple Documentation on Properties


