Read about rural entrepreneurship and Village Capital’s model in Bloomberg Businessweek

Village Capital
Village Capital
Published in
1 min readJan 30, 2017


Check out this feature in Bloomberg Businessweek by Peter Robison, on FinGourmet’s Lula Luu and John Crilly, and a new way to support struggling economies from the bottom up:

In 2014, Village Capital organized a three-month training program for agriculture startups in Louisville. Village Capital has made investments in more than 70 companies by putting entrepreneurs through these workshops, then having them rank one another in order to decide who gets funding. Luu and Crilly pitched their idea, and it was one of two winners. Baird put in $50,000, with a plan to get $150,000 back. (The deal gives him 5 percent of Fin Gourmet’s revenue until it reaches that target.) “If you walk into TechCrunch Disrupt,” says Baird, referring to the prominent conference, “Lula and John don’t look or talk like your average tech entrepreneur. But they’ve identified a very specific market and know what they’re doing.”

— Vilcap Editorial Team

