Video: Startups Rebuilding the American Dream

Chris Cusack
Village Capital
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2016

The American Dream is premised on the idea that no matter who you are or where you were born, if you work hard, you will have an equal opportunity to succeed. But that’s not the case for entrepreneurs across the US.

All too often, success is dictated by zip code, race, and gender. 78% of venture capital in America flows to just three states. 5% is distributed to female-founded companies, and 3% to minority-founded companies.

To change the results, we need to change the process. Village Capital’s new initiative, VilCap Communities, empowers communities across the world to identify the problems they need solved, and in turn enables entrepreneurs in those communities to solve these challenges in a local, contextual way.

Watch our video below to learn more about VilCap Communities and the future of entrepreneurship in America:

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