Culture night at Sapieha park — from gigantic sculptures to exciting science show

Vilnius Tech Park
Vilnius Tech Park
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2017

One night festival “Culture night” this year is expanding — new events are going to happen at Sapieha’s park in Antakalnis. Vilnius Tech Park, which is founded in the historical park, present more than 10 events and invites the guests to dive into the music, theater, contemporary art and exciting science experiments.

“We want Vilnius Tech Park to be open not just for the startups and tech companies, but also for the city festivals, culture and arts. That’s why we have decided to join the “Culture night” project and invite the authors of the contemporary arts, interactive installations, musical and theatrical projects for one night. Visitors will be able to visit lots of events — from the interactive games, musical performances to colorful science experiments”, — tells Veronika Cicenaite, Vilnius Tech Park events manager.

During the night of June 16th, the visitors will be welcomed by enormous sculptures created by the famous Lithuanian artist Donatas Jankauskas-Duonis. Moreover, in the two-floor building next to the central alley of the park, the students of Vilnius college of technology and design will present their creations together with the guest-lecturer Christopher Hales.

Retrieved from: “Feel the light” archive

“Feel the light” team will also present a unique idea. “The authors of the installation will invite to join the playful experiment, during which the unique color of Vilnius will be created. They will ask the visitors what is the color of Vilnius in their opinion and will take a picture of them with such background. It will be very interesting to know what colors are associated with Vilnius among people”, — tells V. Cicenaite.

Retrieved from: AHHAA science center archive

For one night, the guests from Estonia — AHAAA science center — will join the festival. According to Giedre Rozyte-Jokubaviciene, the founder of MB “Laba diena” and the co-author of the program at Vilnius Tech Park, the biggest science center in the Baltics is preparing an exciting science show program: “Visitors will be able to watch the experiments, which look great in the dark. We guarantee the explosions with fire and optical illusions. Moreover, there will be a lot of interactive devices in the AHHAA tent, which you will be able to use yourself. Several workshops will happen during the brakes, during which the participants will able to create their own LED light and those who have enough courage — to make the eye surgery on the real pig eye”, — she tells.

Retrieved from: “J.I.” archive

In the bar BarKodas, which is located in the Sapieha park, musical and theatrical performances will happen. The program will begin at 20:00 with the performance of the poetry singing group “J.I.”, afterwards the scene will be taken by the authors of “Vaibai ore” musical project. Also, the radio theater show “There are no tickets” will invite to an open radio studio theater, where live audio installation will create an intensive, imagination teasing and developing both emotionally and sensory hearing. The band “Laimingu būti lengva“ will finish the evening with the nice sounds of guitar, drums and accordion. The musical program is sponsored by the company Telesoftas, which is located in the park.

The visitors will also be able to visit nearly located Sapieha Palace, where they will not only be able to take the guided tours, but also to see great musical and dance performances and light installation.

Check the program of the events at Sapieha park here:

Program of the event

All free events in Sapieha park will begin at 18:00 and end at 01:00. The events are the part of one night festival “Culture night”. The program of the festival:

For Lithuanian version of the article click the link below:



Vilnius Tech Park
Vilnius Tech Park

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