Demuxed 2023

The NeverEnding Story of replacing your transcoding pipeline.

Quentin Mazars-Simon
Vimeo Engineering Blog
1 min readMar 20, 2024


Back in October 2023, I was lucky enough to invited as a speaker at Demuxed, the conference for video devs.

I talked about our previously discussed new transcoding pipeline.

Here’s the talk’s pitch:

Back in 2019, we set upon replacing our aging transcoding pipeline. We’re in 2023 and the old system still hasn’t been deprecated. What is taking us so long? In this talk, we’ll go over why we decided to build a new transcoding platform (goals, why not just improve the existing one, and so on), the challenges we faced (video, infrastructure, or otherwise), how it (carefully) got rolled out to our users, and some lessons learned along the way.

And here’s the talk:

Despite the jetlag and the stage fright, it was a fun experience. It was also reassuring to have people from other big video companies come to me after the talk to tell me they went through the same multi-year ordeal when they replaced their own pipeline.

