The Transition to Burning Fat

9 Ways to Curb Your Sugar Addiction

Vimify Blog


by Michael O’Neill

Goals for this article

  • Figure out why you may be feeling crappy.
  • Get ideas on how to ease the pain.

Why am I hungover?

Today may be one of the hardest days of the challenge. You are probably feeling tired and pissed-off. This is because your body is starting to shift from using mainly sugars to using mainly fat for fuel. This is normal and it will pass soon. It’s important to be patient and do your part. As your hormones start to get back into balance, your mood will get better and your brain will stop fighting your efforts. This is when you know you’re over the hill and have reached the promised land. But, right now, you are climbing that hill. To make things even more fun, acne and rashes, worsening allergies, and digestive distress can beset you during this first week. This is a common, even healthy stage as your body starts to heal, so stay strong. You and your team are in the same boat, and we are right behind you, so let’s climb this damn hill!

Here are 9 tips on how to make this transition period easier:

  1. Take naps and sleep more: Sleep will help you improve your mood and reduce cravings. Go for a midday power nap and wake up refreshed.
  2. Take it easy: Don’t skip exercise, but just take it a bit easier this week at the gym and in your workouts. Your body will thank you for it.
  3. Increase healthy food intake: This will ensure you’re getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients. It will also curb your appetite to help you avoid going back to the dark side.
  4. Pre-prepare healthier options: Sugar cravings stem from the fact that they are readily available, and they are therefore the first thing to reach for (8). Have hard-boiled eggs, jerky, nuts, and other higher-protein snacks ready to go.
  5. Motivation: If you are looking to change your body composition, put up a motivational poster of who (or what) you want to look like. Know that sugar will keep you from attaining that goal, and every time you crave sugar, think about craving your goal.
  6. Eat protein: Protein can give you much needed energy throughout the day. It’s more filling than foods simply containing high amounts of sugar. Instead of the candy bar, reach for hard-boiled eggs, jerky, nuts, and other higher-protein snacks.
  7. Call up a CleanStart team member: You don’t have to battle your demons alone. Share on the feed, message, text or call CleanStart team members who can support and motivate you to defeat the temptress of simple carbohydrates (9).
  8. Drink water: Sugar cravings and impulsive eating steams a lot from stress and boredom. Drink some water to fill your stomach, improve your blood flow, and ultimately make for a healthier you.
  9. Reflect: Remember why you’re doing this. You’re avoiding sugar because you want to make a change in yourself, and you want to set an example for others who feel that they can’t make that change themselves. You have the willpower to make that change. Know that the cravings will eventually subside, and you’ll be craving burpees over brownies soon.


  1. Bruinsma, K. & Taren, D.L. (1999) Chocolate: food or drug? J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 99: 1249-1256
  8. Press, Hayward. Sugar Detox for Beginners: Your Guide to Starting a 21-day Sugar Detox. S.l.: Hayward, 2013. Print.
  9. Amyswrites on Hub Pages

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