A Major Update for VIMworld Is Coming

VIMworld Official
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2021

Dear VIMworld Community,

A major update for VIMworld is on track to be released!

This update will be one of the most significant steps for our ecosystem and community in the near term and will enable us to start our engines for our upcoming events and activities.

VIMmarket Temporary Maintenance

To facilitate the update, we will temporarily disable the listing of VIMs in the VIMmarket starting today.

Listings that are already active will still run and be available for purchase even after the listing function is disabled. Therefore, VIMmarket users can delist their VIMs (if no bids) at this time without issues.

However, all active listings (regardless of auction or bidding state) will be returned to our users by the end of July 1st, 2021 (US PST time).

VIMmarket will be activated again once the new update has arrived.

Join the VIMworld Community

More news on the update will be released soon. Please stay tuned!

Participate in discussion with our dedicated and passionate community at Telegram: https://t.me/VIMworld and follow our social media channels on Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram!



VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.