Aje and the plight of the Oasis of Opulence — Part 1

VIMworld Official
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2021

Aje awoke, bleary-eyed but well-rested. She pulled back the velvety covers and looked to her left, out of the bamboo-cane window. She felt a warm, gentle breeze blow across her cheeks and heard the lapping noises of the nearby ocean. Off in the distant canopy, she heard the familiar chorus of birdsong that had become part of her daily waking ritual.

“Another day in paradise”, she mused.

Stepping outside her homestead, she looked across the crescent-shaped bay and stood in awe, as she did every morning. Brilliant white sands extended in either direction littered with the tiny shells of untold millennia of life. Tall, thin grasses brushed her thighs like fine paintbrushes and the breeze rustled her long black hair. Off in the distance, looming, stood the mountainous peak that formed the centerpiece of her tropical home.

Casting her blue eyes towards the nearby forest, she fixed on the faint bluish-purple glow painting the forest canopy a brilliant shade and began walking, kicking sand as she went. Aje, goddess of wealth and abundance, felt incredibly fortunate to have been blessed with the opportunity to act as protectorate of such an important place.

The Oasis of Opulence

Pushing apart the undergrowth, Aje stepped into the clearing and became enshrouded in the brilliant purple-blue hue.

“The Oasis of Opulence” her inner monologue noted “The source of prosperity across the cosmos”.

This place was the reason she had found herself on this island for so many years. A relic of the dawn of time itself, the oasis was an anomaly — a rift between dimensions that contained an upwelling of the most fundamental force of reality — VIMenergy. Through this oasis, Aje was empowered to complete her divine rite; spreading warmth, abundance, joy and wealth across all known realities. The well-being of life across the cosmos stemmed from this place and her stewardship was a responsibility she did not take lightly.

She crouched by the bank for some time, peering into the whirling maelstrom of unfettered VIMenergy. The complex patterns forming within mesmerized her. Such ancient, unknowable power rested here. Seeing that all was well, she began the return to her beach house with the intent of preparing lunch. As she made her way back through the shrub and on to the beach, something caught her eye. She noted that the tall grasses nearby were wilting, looking faded and taking on a shade of yellow.

“Odd”, she thought, Aje was not used to seeing any kind of suffering or illness. Her home environment was sustained through the sheer volume of VIMenergy that resided within the bounds of the island. She brushed off the anomaly and continued her journey to her homestead.


Upon reentering her home, Aje was immediately struck by an unusual aroma. The fruit bowl in the center of the room, usually filled with exotic, fresh fruits was now filled with decayed sludge emitting an unpleasant aroma. She began looking around, noting that a vase of flowers she had picked just the day before was also showing the same signs of decay. She suddenly became acutely aware that the bird song she had become so accustomed to had fallen silent. She felt a chill race down her spine.

“Something is terribly wrong” she muttered to herself, nervously casting her eyes around the room once more.

Darting to the window, she looked out and was horrified to see the forest canopy in the distance brown before her eyes. A wave of withering raced across the island as she looked on in dismay. This place had been her home for millennia, to see it wither before her eyes was incredibly painful. Her heart sank further when the aura emanating from the Oasis, the bastion of hope and happiness for the entire multiverse, suddenly began casting out a deep red aura. Panic coursed through her veins.

Without hesitation, she raced towards the Oasis of Opulence. Upon arrival, she saw rustling bushes and heard faint murmurs. She had never received company in this place, it was too important to allow anyone to visit and know its whereabouts. Bursting through the bushes, she saw a hunched figure ahead, a rotten cape drenched around a slim bony figure. She smelled a familiar stench of decay and instantly realized who she was confronted with — it was Achlys, her arch nemesis, the manifestation of misery and sadness.

“Achlys!” she bellowed, “How dare you step foot in this pla..” she was cut off by two sets of hands grabbing her from behind, tackling her to the ground. Kneeling on her back were two hunched figures, holding her in place with gnarled hands. She wriggled to try and free herself to no avail.

“My dear Aje” she cackled, her acrid breath flowing between crooked teeth “how good it is to see you! It’s been far too long.”

“You are not welcome in this place!” Aje replied, forcefully. “I deliver wealth and abundance, this is no place for the embodiment of despair and misery!”

“Oh, my sweet child,” Achlys responded, glibly “Oh how wrong you are. This is precisely where I need to be. You see, it has come to my attention that you have grown far too strong in recent decades. I am here to return balance to the universe and restore an age of despair! We will have much time to share with one another moving forward.”

Aje felt a heaviness wrap around her body and an intense anxiety welled up. All around her, foliage from the nearby vegetation began twisting, wilting and falling to the ground. The red hue being given off by the Oasis created a great sense of dread. From her position of restraint, there was little she could do. Mustering up as much energy as she could, she channeled her angst and let out a raucous cry. One so piercing, it transcended dimensions. She could only hope someone would be able to hear it.

- To be continued.

Will anyone hear Aje’s cry for help? How will the greatest source of VIMenergy in the universe be affected by this unwelcome visitor? Tune in very soon for part 2!

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