Announcing the World’s First IVO & Limited Edition VIMworld Smart NFT, Philippe Diamant, the first Resilience Clan VIM

VIMworld Official
Published in
7 min readMay 10, 2021
Art: A- Tier Philippe Diamant VIM, Limited Edition Resilience Clan VIM

Today, we are incredibly excited to announce the world’s first IVO — pairing VIMworld’s new ecosystem token VEED as well as a brand new, Limited Edition Smart NFT VIM collectible!

By purchasing a Limited Edition Philippe Diamant VIM with Resilience Clan Treasure, users will be eligible for the distribution of VEED tokens, which will be airdropped to all owners of Mr. Diamant.

The Limited Edition Philippe Diamant VIMs will never be minted again after the IVO.

VIM Collectibles — Rewards, Interactivity, Uniqueness, Utility & More

By tying our new token distribution method to a VIM collectible purchase, NFT collectors, VIM lovers and core community members will be able to get their hands on a limited edition collectible and our new ecosystem utility token, giving both of them utility and value at the get-go.

Detailed in our Public Project Proposal, VIM collectibles are not your typical NFTs. VIMs can be linked to physical objects, be used in various interactive experiences, farm for passive VEED rewards, and collect Treasures.

VEED Token’s Immense Utility Powers VIMworld Ecosystem, from VIM Collecting, Gaming to Farming

VEED tokens are the main core of the entire VIMworld Smart NFT ecosystem.

Every action within VIMworld requires the utilities of VEED Tokens, for that it is a fuel that automatically powers the VIMworld economy.

A non-exhaustive list of VEED token utility is designed to maximise value:

  • Each Smart NFT VIM minted requires the burning of VEED tokens, creating a deflationary economic system
  • Each adoption of a VIM by our brand new users requires VEED Tokens
  • Each dispensary event requires bidders to spend VEED Tokens in exchange for new and discounted VIMs,
  • Each listing, bidding, and purchase of VIMs, and other items on our exchange requires VEED Tokens.
  • Missions and Quests during Special Events will involve the use of VEED tokens
  • All fees in the VIMworld Ecosystem will be subject to VEED fees, with a portion of the fees redistributed to VIM farmers through VIMpool
  • Upgrading VIMs will require VEED tokens
  • Human related ecosystem-wide interactions too will require VEED Tokens, an Ambassador or a Guild Leader will require to keep a certain amount of VEED Tokens/VIMs.
  • A community created VIM series would be required to be voted on by the entire community by using VEED tokens.
  • Community governance and proposals will be powered by VEED.
  • And much more…

Secure your Philippe Diamant VIM from VIMdispenser to Participate in the VEED IVO

Art: F-B Tier Philippe Diamant VIM, Limited Edition Resilience Clan VIM

On 15 May 2021, the limited edition VIM will be sold on the VIMdispenser to whitelisted/KYC’ed wallets only.

The IVO will be accepting VeChain (VET) tokens as currency, and users will be able to use their VeChainThor dApp-enabled wallets to buy the VIM and get airdropped VEED tokens, which will be sent a few days after purchase.

Whitelist & IVO Details:

The first step is to go through the Whitelist and KYC process at

Once your identity has been approved and verified, your wallet address which you will be using for participating in the IVO will be whitelisted. By using a VeChainThor dApp-enabled wallet or browser, you will be able to head to the VIMdispenser to purchase the VIM.

There will be a maximum of 1000 VIMs available in total for the IVO, 800 VIMs are allocated to the Dispenser IVO event, with 400,000,000 VEED tokens allocated. VIMworld also is contemplating a VIMmarket offering of maximum 200 VIMs through the VIMmarket Auction Function on a later date, only if the demand for the IVO is higher than the 800 VIMs.

The IVO starts with 200 Philippe Diamant VIMs in the VIMdispenser, starting at a discount of 10% off the normal VET price. Once the initial 200 Mr. Diamant VIMs are sold out, another 200 will be replenished, and the discount rate will drop gradually until all VIMs are sold out.

The IVO runs for whatever period of time until the listing of the VEED token, at which point VIMworld will take the remaining Philippe Diamant out of the VIMdispenser. When the IVO ends, all remaining unsold VIMs and VEED allocated for the IVO will return to the Foundation’s marketing and community pool.

Whitelist link:

Whitelist duration: May 10th 2021 — May 28th 2021 (or whenever the IVO is sold out!)

Community Raise Format: VIMdispenser and VIMmarket Auction IVO

IVO duration: May 15, 2021, 8AM PST (3PM UTC) — TBD (when IVO sells out or VEED gets listed on exchanges)

Currency: VeChain tokens (VET)

IVO Price: Determined by the average VET price of previous day’s closing on

Base VIM price: $250 USD equivalent in VET

Base VEED price: $0.005 USD equivalent in VET

Note: This example has VET’s previous day closing price from on May 5th 2021 $0.207. This is just an example, and the final VET purchase price will be determined during the sales as according to the previous day’s closing.


You’ve decided to purchase the IVO during the first round of 200 VIMs. Your discount is 10%. You would need at least 12,077 VET (according to previous example settings) within your whitelisted wallet address, and enough VTHO to make the Dispenser transaction. Then you will receive 1 Philippe Diamant VIM at random. You will just need to hold this VIM within the whitelisted wallet for the next few days, and 500,000 VEED tokens will be air dropped into this whitelisted wallet. At this point, there are no restrictions to what you can do with these VEED tokens. Your VEED tokens will be utilized for all future utilities when our new smart contracts are deployed, such as for VIMmarket, VIM feeding, and more.


1) Can you walk me through the Whitelist process?

Go to Select your country of residence, if you cannot find your country please check the list of restricted countries below.

Enter your name and date of birth and your contact information, this section will also ask you to enter a wallet address. Make sure this is correct, errors will mean you cannot participate in the sale. Verify your ID — make sure you use clear photos. The best way to do this is with a scanner, or a high definition smartphone rear camera.

Submit the form. A green tick means your KYC check is successful! The wallet addresses will be collated and added to the VIMdispenser, you will receive a separate email within 24 hours (or ASAP) once this is completed.

Wait for the IVO VIMdispenser to be live on May 15, 2021 8AM PST (3PM UTC), and purchase the VIM with your whitelisted wallet address and a VeChain dApp enabled wallet or browser!

2) Are there any limits on purchase per wallet?

No limit. You may purchase as many VIMs as you would like with a single wallet address (within total IVO allocated amount).

3) When will I get the VIM that I have purchased?

The VIM will be sent to your wallet immediately after purchase

4) When will I get the VEED tokens airdropped?

VEED will be airdropped and distributed to your wallet within 5 days after purchase.

5) Any restricted countries for the IVO?

USA, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, China are not allowed to participate in the IVO due to legal restrictions.

6) What is the exact timing for the VIMdispenser IVO?

It will be on May 15, 2021. The tentative start time would be at 8AM PST (3PM UTC). Only whitelisted wallet addresses will be able to interact with the VIMdispenser smart contract.

7) I have more questions. Who can help me?

Please visit our Telegram group ( for live support and assistance, or email us at

Access VIMworld Now

VIMworld is a revolutionary non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem that creates a space where entrepreneurship and play combine and thrive. At the core of VIMworld are VIMs themselves, each one unique and permanent. VIMs are Smart NFTs that will deliver an immutable system of authentication, allowing their owners to both store and build value through play whilst building meaningful connections with others.

VIMworld can be accessed through using a VeChain-enabled browser such as the VeChain Sync browser or Google Chrome + Comet Extension. It is also accessible on mobile devices through the VeChainThor Mobile Wallet on iOS and Android.

For more information about VIMworld, please follow our social media channels:

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VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.