Nightdrool, the Fallen Night Sentinel Invades VIMworld!

VIMworld Official
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Dearest community,

We were elated to witness the positive reception for the first member from the new Kamanali Sentinel Collection, Thaloc. Demand was so high, the VIMdispenser sold-out after just 80 seconds!

With such positive feedback flowing in and our community’s eagerness for more, we’ve decided to bring forward the unveiling of the second Kamanali Sentinel — Nightdrool.

‘Nightdrool, the Fallen Night Sentinel’ will be coming to the VIMdispenser on Wednesday, September 1st, 2021!

Nightdrool — The Fallen Sentinel

Kamanali Sentinels are Avatars — powerful beings that draw power from the Great Elemental Spirits of the Kamanali region — their birth-rite is to protect the lands of the Olmec and Kamanali.

Sentinels are renowned for being complex creatures, with deep, unique personalities and characteristics. These Avatars, as old as time itself, are the outcome of a rich tapestry of events — the passing of uncountable aeons, the experiencing of violent, world-shaping events and assimilating lifetime after lifetime of conversation and culture.

Nightdrool was one such Sentinel. An aggregation of experience impacted by a series of events that would ultimately leave him with a powerful but devious ego. As a Night Sentinel, his powers were drawn directly from the Great Spirit of Darkness, a force that spans the space between stars. Nightdrool specialises in confusion and torment, with the ability to influence his enemies’ psyche and induce endless nightmares. This Sentinel endures persistent temptation to wield his powers for darkness. Even in using his powers for good, he risks warping his own perspectives and values into something more… nefarious.

Nightdrool has only ever been loosely tethered to the boundaries of ‘good’.

In the aftermath of the great spacetime portal eruption, Nightdrool found himself contacted spiritually about a blood contract whose terms carried additional powers that he could not refuse. In embracing this darkness, however, Nightdrool finally succumbed to the temptation that had tormented him for millennia. On that day, the Fallen Night Sentinel was born — freed from the shackles of guardianship and unleashed on VIMworld.

Nightdrool Comes To VIMdispenser on September 1st, 2021

Event time: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 between 8AM — 8:15AM PST (September 1, 3PM — 3:15PM UTC).

Debuting first on VIMdispenser, 225 Nightdrool VIMs will be on sale, and a total of 350 Nightdrool VIMs will be initially minted.

The sale will start between Wednesday, September 1st, 2021, 8:00 AM — 8:15 AM PST. (September 1st, 2021, 3:00 PM — 3:15 PM UTC). The price will be revealed an hour before the sale, so please follow our official social media channels such as Twitter and Telegram!

VIMdispenser Tips: To participate in the sale, please ensure that you have linked a compatible VeChainThor wallet to VIMworld (such as Sync, or the VeChainThor mobile wallet) and prepare an appropriate amount of VEED and VTHO.

When the sales have started, you will be able to click on the dispense button on the dispenser machine. Approve the transaction, and if you were faster than other participants, you will be able to get the VIM!



VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.