Part 2: Garu And The Assault On The Spirit Realm

VIMworld Official
Published in
6 min readNov 14, 2021

Part 2 of Garu’s epic adventure continues below! Read on to find out how this thrilling saga concludes!

Channeling a lifetime of lessons in Dharma, Garu mustered all the energy he could, summoning the strength of the Phoenii. Feeling his body brimming with divine energy, Garu launched a volley of hyper-charged attacks at the device with the intent of sabotage now that retrieval seemed off the cards.

As the barrage struck its target, a brilliant white-purple light shot out in all directions. The rift immediately destabilised and the portal’s edges began undulating wildly, pulling on everything in the room, Garu included. Gripping on to a nearby table with all his might, Garu closed his eyes, wincing as the pull from the portal began to cause great pain, even to his augmented bionic muscles. Eventually, Garu was overcome, his grip was torn away and he began sliding uncontrollably towards the rift.

Crash Landing

Garu’s vision took a few moments to adjust following his exposure to the brilliant white light. It only took a moment more for him to realise he was no longer on his home planet, instead, he found himself lying on a soft beach with various lab components littering the shore around him. To his right, were an abundance of trees and to his left, a gently lapping ocean. He could taste the salt in the air and heard the gentle cooing of birds somewhere in his vicinity.

Garu was both shocked and elated to see such beauty, it was far removed from the artificially maintained technological dystopia he had become accustomed to. For the first time in his life, he filled his lungs with fresh air.

“This is what I’m fighting for” he whispered to himself.

He scanned his vicinity to check for any notion of civilization, but saw nothing. He continued scanning the horizon but this time, just to admire his surroundings. He suddenly became aware of rustling in the nearby treeline. Turning his head, he bore witness to a curious sight; a small figure flapping ferociously, letting out a furious cry and charging towards him.

“Is that a turkey.. With a battle helmet?” he uttered under his breath.

The sight completely caught Garu off guard.

“You there! You must be the bringer of war Lady GrOwl warned me about!” the turkey angrily shouted. “I’d rather be relaxing, getting my fill of VEED, but no! You had to drop in here, making noise, probably looking to commit war crimes or something. That just sauces my cranberries to no end!”

“War crimes?” Garu shot back, disgusted by the insinuation. “What do you mean, I just arrived here. Against my will!”

The strange turkey raised his gun at Garu, who promptly raised his wings and generated a field of energy, ready to retaliate.

The bushes rustled once again and a second figure entered the fold, clad in a majestic purple coat of feathers sitting atop a beautiful horse with an ornate saddle. The figure looked to Garu and then the turkey. Garu prepared himself for a two sided attack.

“Is the prophecy coming true, Lt. Gobbles?” she asked, cautiously eyeballing Garu.

“Prophecy? Of course it’s true. He’s here to start a war! Look at him!” Gobbles aimed his gun directly at Garu.

“Put your weapon down,” instructed Lady GrOwl. She looked Garu up and down as he nervously stood his ground. “This is not the war bringer. He is on our side.”

“There’s little doubt, Lady GrOw! He arrived from a portal, just like the stories said he would!” – said the horse.

Garu’s eyes widened. What have I gotten myself into, he thought to himself.

“Very well,” GrOwl responded. “Ao Lie, it’s time”.

GrOwl hopped off the back of the horse, and shortly thereafter, it transformed into a young man with brilliant white hair and a flowing blue robe.

“Good day, sir!” Ao Lie proceeded “It seems the prophecies are true after all! We were told of a day when a great avian power would emerge from the sky, just as our patron deity, Austrför, once did. Have you come to help us find him?”

The calm demeanor of Ao Lie helped to ease Garu’s fear of an attack. Slowly, he relaxed and powered down. “Aust.. who?” Garu retorted, a confused look in his eye. “I’m afraid I am not familiar with this name”.

“He’s the God of Travel and Speed!” replied Ao Lie.

“I already have a master that I obey,” said Garu defiantly. A small beep in Garu’s ear alerted him to another lifeform behind him. Spinning around he saw a cloaked figure in the shadows. “Who are you,” he asked as he started powering up his attack again.

“Someone you can trust,” said the figure

Garu gulped hard. He knew that voice. “It can’t be. My mother is no longer with us!”

“Please use your regular voice,” insisted Lady GrOwl.

“As you wish” This time the voice was shrill and very unpleasant. “Austrför is the deity of the Outrider clan, a true legend! Ao Lie told us that he was able to retrieve the Great Magma Blade from the tip of Hjornbarg mountain. Not a simple feat! Ao Lie once rode with him and now is leading us to him. When we saw the bright lights and heard the sounds, we thought he might be returning!”

A hunched figure emerged from the shadows, clad in black with jet black wings and three pronged fingers at the end of long spindly arms.

“The name’s Morticia, by the way. I’m a bounty hunter.”

“More like an assassin,” scoffed Lt. Gobbles.

Morticia smiled maliciously at Gobbles. “It’s a different paygrade”

Lt. Gobbles sneered. “The results the same. I would never shoot someone in the back.”

“Please, we must work together,” insisted Lady GrOwl.

The two glared at each other for a few seconds before Morticia turned to Garu and smiled.

“No need to be afraid. Birds of a feather flock together and all that!” She paused for a moment, amused by her own joke.

“Naturally, as birds, we are well equipped for both travel and speed! We’re looking to find Austrför and join his clan, The Outriders! We have heard many good things”.

Garu soaked in the scene in front of him for a while, overwhelmed by the barrage of information.

“Well, this all sounds great and all, but I was just saving the universe from perverse evil forces five minutes ago and now I’m here! I need to get back to my world, there’s a war going on and the fate of the spirit realm is at stake! Now, if you don’t mind.”

GrOwl interjected.

“My dear, there’s little we can do to help you get back, I’m afraid. Without the ability to create portals at will, we’ve no way to help you back. We have heard of these rifts forming all throughout VIMworld and have met many strange individuals from across the multiverse arriving on our planet. There is hope!”

Garu looked around, but could no longer see the portal he had come through. “I can’t be fighting your battle. I have my own battle to fight.”

GrOwl stroked her chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps, our battles are one and the same. If you are up against evil forces that can transport across the realms, then it very well matches up with our prophecy.”

Ao lie pondered for a moment, before weighing in.

“Well, in that case, perhaps you should join me in the Outrider Clan and help us in our mission to find Austrför? Maybe he can provide some answers! He arrived in VIMworld through a portal, just like you! He might be able to help get you home!”

Garu mulled the offer over for a short moment.

“Well, I see few options in front of me. I will join you in your mission to find this deity. Let us hope he can help me return to my homeworld. They are in dire need of me!”

Ao Lie smiled warmly. “If you are part of our group, then you don’t have to go it alone. We’re a team.”

Garu looked around at the odd assortment of creatures in front of him and sighed. Even with the extra help, how could he and this motley group possibly defeat Ravana?

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