Trade Your VIMs with VeChain Tokens (VET) on VIMmarket!

VIMworld Official
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2021

Dear VIMworld Community,

With the progression of our VEED token airdrop to our VIM owners as well as IVO participants, we’re preparing the next steps in VIMworld’s transformation.

As work on the VIM Tier & Feeding contract migration as well as VIMmarket migration to support VEED continues, we’ve received many inquiries from community members (old and new) on where to purchase and collect VIMs.

As VIMworld is a big supporter and partner of the VeChain Ecosystem and the VeChainThor blockchain, we’ve decided to allow the usage of VeChain Tokens (VET) to trade VIMs in the current VIMmarket platform!

Opening up VIMmarket again before VEED migration launches will also serve to restart our VIM trading economy in preparation of the new systems.

Trade Your VIMs using VET

As all VIMs will be eligible to migrate to the new VIM system, opening up the VIMmarket to accept VET tokens would allow eager new users the opportunity to collect VIMs before the VEED token is listed in exchanges as well as prepare themselves for VEED feeding, events and trading.

Users who navigate to the VIMmarket will be able to utilize VET tokens for listings, auctions, bids, instant purchases and more.

VET trading in VIMmarket is already open right now to a select number of early testers from the community, and will proceed to be publicly available to everyone else soon.

We’ll post another update when its publicly available to everyone.

VET trading in VIMmarket (Screenshot and VIM assets are based on Testnet — for article decorative purposes only)

More Info & FAQ

  1. Are the VIMs traded using VET in this version of the VIMmarket based on the old VIM system or the new system?

The VIMs listed and traded in this iteration of the VIMmarket will be based on the old VIM Tier & Feeding contract, which means that it will not support VEED feeding and the new tier/feasting system right now.

2. Do I need to migrate my VIM once the new system is rolled out?

Yes. Once the new smart contract system is rolled out, you will be able to migrate your VIM to the new system, and start feeding with VEED tokens as well as interact with our events.

For more information about migration, please read:

3. How do I feed my VIMs?

VIMs can only be fed with VEED tokens when the new system is rolled out. The VIMs traded in this version of VIMmarket are based on the old system. Please wait for the new system to be rolled out.

4. Why is VIMworld introducing VET currency to the VIMmarket and not just wait for VEED migration instead?

We wanted to provide an avenue for our community members to trade their VIMs in a safe manner during this transition process. Opening up VIMmarket will also mean that community members can acquire VIMs that they like besides the Adopt-a-VIM method and prepare for VEED feeding once the new system is rolled out. The VIM trading economy will also be restarted.

5. How long do I need to wait until VIMs are migrated and VIMmarket supports the new VIM system and VEED tokens?

Development work is proceeding smoothly. As the migration involves thousands of VIMs and a substantial amount of funds involved for our community, we want to make sure that every new smart contract and the migration system works perfectly. Please wait for the announcement in our social media channels. Thank you!

6. I haven’t received my VEED airdrop yet for some of my VIMs. If I list those VIMs in VIMmarket, will I still be able to receive the airdrop?

We’ve finished airdropping VEED to all VIMs who were eligible. If you think you have not received it yet, please email us at with your VIM details.

7. Will VET still be supported once VEED is fully supported in VIMmarket?

Our plan is to have VEED as our main currency for VIMmarket once it’s introduced. With this iteration of VIMmarket, we’ve proven that the VIMmarket can support different VIP180 currencies, and we will let our community know our inter and cross-chain assets plan when we are ready.



VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.