VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.

VIM Smart Contract Migration & Upgrade Is Here! Introducing Feasting and New Tier Systems


Dear VIMworld Community,

We are super excited to announce that the VIM Smart Contract Migration and Upgrade functions are now ready to take your VIMs to the next level!

VIM migration is a critical phase for VIMworld and will enable us to fully support our updated VEED tokens and enable our new VIMenergy and VEED feeding system, as introduced in our Public Project Proposal.

Previously, the highest tier a VIM could reach was the S Tier which was based on the amount of tokens that they had been fed. Now, our new tier contract supports tiers beyond S Tier, with brand new artwork, treasures and surprises which will be left to you to find!

The upgrade also paves the way for us to begin new community events and activities! We will be releasing further details in separate articles of the new reward plans for high tier VIMs as well as novel events and activities.

The VIM migration and upgrade tool is available now on VIMventory!

Migrating and Upgrading Your VIMs

Migrating and upgrading your VIM has been made super easy and hassle-free.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Access your VIMs in your VIMventory as usual.

2. When you select a VIM, you will notice the label “Upgrade VIM”. This indicates that your VIM is eligible for migration to the new smart contract.

3. In the VIM details, you will see a clickable button to upgrade your VIM. Simply click on the Upgrade VIM button as shown above.

4. After clicking ‘Upgrade VIM’, additional information about the upgrade process will be displayed. This screen will detail factors such as total VIMenergy to be received following the upgrade. Any old tokens in your VIM will be converted at a 1:1 ratio which will be deducted from the balance in your wallet.

Note: The VIMenergy ratio is calculated against the VEED price of the previous day. The current ratio (as of July 2nd UTC time) of VIMenergy to VEED is 1:501. It will be updated every 00:00 UTC based on the market price of VEED.

5. Once you are ready, sign and approve the transaction to begin the upgrade process. It will require roughly 1 to 2 VTHO tokens as blockchain transaction fees to upgrade your VIM.

6. And voila, you’re done! Now, your VIM lives on in its new smart contract home. You now have full access to the new VEED and VIMenergy feeding functions.

New Tier System Functions: Feeding and Feasting

With the smart contract migration underway, our new Tier system will also begin with immediate effect.

To boost your VIM to the new, higher tiers, you will need to feed your VIMs VEED tokens. The VEED Tokens are instantaneously transformed into VIMenergy which your VIMs take as nutrients needed for their growth. VIMenergy is what matters for VIM’s growth.

For example, a VIM unlocks brand new artwork for its first stage evolution at A Tier and second stage evolution at S2 Tier. High tier VIMs will also access exclusive giveaways and events such as Blessings, VIMpool and others. We also have more cool surprises waiting for you to find out at higher tiers!

Feeding and Feasting your VIMs is a very simple process. For those who prefer video tutorials, we’ve made one. Check it out below!

This video will also be added to our tutorials section shortly after the article is released.

How to Feed Your VIM

The VIMs of VIMworld are powered by VEED — the lifeforce and essential energy that binds all things in the VIM Universe. The more VEED one possesses, the more VIMenergy circulates unlocking innate potential and evolutionary powers buried deep within.

The process:

First, access your VIM via the VIMventory. As illustrated in the screenshot above, use the slider bar to select the desired amount of VEED to feed and use the ‘Feed’ button to increase your VIM’s level.

Each VIM has a daily VIMenergy allowance that depends on the Tier of the VIM. The amount of VEED needed for VIMenergy will be clearly shown in the menu, with the ratio depending on the previous day’s VEED price.

Daily allowance reached? Time to Feast!

One’s intake and cultivation of VEED and VIMenergy is limited per day, as ruled by the natural laws of the Universe. That is until a fabled acolyte of the lost arts discovered a way to bypass this limit with what would come to be known as ‘Feasting’.

Each VIM has a certain daily VIMenergy allowance allocated for feeding. Once you have reached your daily allowance, you will no longer be able to feed the VIM until the timer resets at 00:00 UTC, daily.

By using the Feasting function, you can bypass this daily limit and reach higher tiers sooner, unlocking brand new artwork, animations and additional rewards such as Blessings and Vanguard treasures!

Simply click the Feast! button and you will be presented with the option to feed your VIM an entire daily allowance. Please note that Feasting incurs a fee for each use.

That’s it! Migrating, upgrading and feeding your VIMs is that simple.


  1. I have a high tier VIM (higher than F Tier) that has old tokens in it. How does the migration and swap work for me? What happens to the old tokens?

High tier VIMs are given the privilege to skip many days of feeding through our token swap feature. If you have 100,000 old tokens within the VIM, the swap rate will correspond 1:1 to VEED tokens. Simply click upgrade and 100,000 VEED from your wallet will be deducted, transferred to the VIM and converted into VIMenergy at the current daily rate. Note that you must have the corresponding amount of VEED tokens in the same wallet as the VIM being migrated in order to be able to execute the transaction.

The old tokens will be returned to your wallet.

2. I have a F Tier VIM, do I need to migrate and upgrade?

All VIMs are required to upgrade to the new smart contract. Old generation VIMs will not be supported in any of VIMworld’s new services, including feeding, trading, events, rewards and other functions.

3. Will VIMworld’s and the VIMmarket still support old VIMs?

The VIMmarket will only support VIMs that have migrated to the new contract. Access to functions for the previous generation of VIMs will be discontinued for all events, giveaways and services, except for the transferring of VIMs to other wallets.

4. Does the VIMmarket support VEED tokens?

VIMmarket will initially run on VET tokens to ensure an accessible and smooth transition. We are in the process of enabling VIMmarket, so please wait for our announcement. We are developing VEED support for the VIMmarket.

5. Can we withdraw VEED from VIMs once fed?

As our new tier system involves a new dynamic VIMenergy:VEED mechanic, we are developing a new withdrawal smart contract. Once ready, VEED will be able to be withdrawn from the VIM.

6. Will I lose my S-Tier treasures, such as Feithleann and Vanguard? Can I earn Vanguard Treasures for Philippe Diamant VIM now that feeding is enabled again?

No, your Treasures will be migrated over to the new smart contract. Vanguard treasures for new VIMs are available, including Philippe Diamant. Even if your VIM loses its S-Tier status after the migration, due to the uniqueness of this super special event, your VIM will not lose its S-Tier related treasures.

7. When does the price ratio for VIMenergy:VEED get updated? When does the feeding timer reset?

The price and conversion ratio is determined by the USDT market price of VEED every 00:00 UTC. The feeding timer resets at 00:00 UTC.

8. What happens to Vanguard Treasures for S Tiers if current S Tier VIMs might be at a lower Tier depending on the daily ratio during migration?

As all VIMs currently released already earned their Vanguard treasures, they will not earn new Vanguard Treasures when they re-achieve S Tier. Current Vanguard treasures will be migrated over to the new contract.

The only exception to the currently released VIMs is Philippe Diamant, which was released after feeding with the old token was disabled. Phlippe Diamant owners can feed to S Tier and race to get the Vanguard treasures!

9. Do we get rewarded for upgrading beyond S Tiers? Are there Tiers beyond S2 as the feeding schedule suggests?

A new set of exclusive Treasures is available for each Tier beyond S Tier. We will introduce the new Treasures as well as the complete Tier system and new rewards shortly in a future article. And it is guaranteed that feeding more VEED into VIMs while the VEED/VIMenergy ratio is high would be beneficial in the long run as more features will be rolled out periodically.

10. I have other questions, how do I get them clarified?

Please visit our official Telegram channel at for live discussion and support from our admins and community members!



VIMworld Official
VIMworld Official

Published in VIMworld Official

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.


Written by VIMworld

VIMworld is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem.

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