VIMworld Universe Lore Series Story #3 (Part 2): Erlang Shen: The War God joins the Devotion Oathsworns Clan

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Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2021

Erlang Shen, the next limited edition VIM from the Journey to the West series will be introduced as a new addition to the Devotion Oathsworns clan!

More details on the first VIMworld Mission event on how to acquire Erlang Shen will be revealed in a follow-up article!

Read Part 1 of the story here:

Erlang Shen and his Howling Celestial Hound hardly noticed the acres of fields stretching all around the village, fields filled with all manner of unusual and exotic fruits, vegetables, and grains. They were focused on making it to the village square, to warn the inhabitants. To prepare to fight the demons.

On his way to the village square, Erlang Shen landed in a field of grass under a sunny sky, with a slew of tents and makeshift shelters around. Banners were flying an insignia of two open hands holding a heart, spread across a backdrop of violet that waved proudly in the breeze.

The Howling Celestial Hound ran to Erlang Shen’s side and started growling, which made the proud general focus his attention to the immediate situation. Across the field, there was a small skirmish of more of the demons fighting what seemed to be the members of the banner battling them, and putting them down.

Erlang Shen went to call upon his deity abilities to send a powerful rush of wind to blow more of the demons back, only to find he could not.

“What madness is this? I cannot use my powers here even in times of crisis?” Erlang Shen exclaimed in shock, as a sliver of worry took him over.

The sound of a loud repetitious banging was heard to his left, as Erlang Shen saw a humanoid, gray three-headed hell hound wearing an orange outfit wielding a type of metallic, demonic projectile-based weapon that took the demons down with amazing speed and efficiency.

“Don’t mind him, that’s Borf. He’s on our side,” a female voice spoke to Erlang from behind. “You look a little lost, friend. Are you a new arrival as well?”

Er Langshen turned his head to see a large woman, with mass and bulk that sat juxtapose to her otherwise kind voice and feminine facial features.

“Say, you look like one that belongs to the Jade Emperor’s palace, much like my own,” Erlang Shen remarked, her makeup similar to that of the women of the palace. “Are you from there as well?”

“Can’t say I am. My name is Hachi, and we’re part of the Devotion Oathsworns Clan that worships the goddess Alanna. We’ve been fighting these inter-dimensional demons that showed up that are trying to invade our village and the VIMworld realm.”

“VIMworld? Is this where I am now?” Er asked.

“It is.”

“I’ve never heard of such a place.”

“Most that come here haven’t. But it’s a different realm than the one you’re likely used to. We’ve been seeing more and more people come through these portals of recent. I’m not sure of the palace you speak of, but you look capable as a warrior, and quite honorable.”

Erlang Shen felt his pride swell a bit at the acknowledgement as he replied, “Is there a way for me to get home?”

“We haven’t seen any find one yet,” Hachi replied. “However, that doesn’t mean we can’t help you find one. Why not join our clan and help us fight these demons off?”

Erlang Shen pondered for a moment. Alanna was clearly a Goddess not belonging to his Jade Palace that he served. He did, however, hear of deities and bodhisattvas with powers transcending Pantheons, with some even going for visits to other foreign Pantheons within the Divine Realm. Was there a chance that Alanna was a higher deity on the level of the Jade Emperor, or even higher? He asked, “Your goddess Alanna, what does she stand for?”

“Loyalty, devotion, and honor. She blesses all who abides by this code. We of the Devotion Oathsworn live by this code to aid one another and fight together, no matter what.”

Erlang smiled, then replied, “Well, if I’m to be stuck in this world you speak of, it is best to have allies that share those values. My name is Erlang Shen, general of the Jade Emperor’s Palace, and this is my companion. For one to abide to my code, I cannot simply turn away from evil as it stands.”

Hachi’s face brightened up as she replied, “It would be wonderful to have you alongside us in this ongoing fight. We will aid you in any way we can to help you find a way home. Who knows how long that will be, but we will not leave you in your time of need. Now, let’s go clean up the rest of the mess before us and help the others finish this skirmish.”

Hachi and Erlang Shen ran for the field of battle as Borf turned his weapon on a grouping of demons and creatures that stood at the tree line of the woods they were near. Hachi seemed to command a pair of wolf demons who fought with vigor and power against the hellish beasts, which reminded Erlang Shen of his own Howling Celestial Hound. On another side of the battlefield, he saw a swordsman wielding triple blades cut down the demons in a stylish manner, with a distinct aura reminiscent of warriors that he had seen in the Far East island nation of the mortal world of his original realm. The portals were disappearing quickly, and the Devotion Oathsworn were taking the fight quickly.

Erlang Shen dashed past Hachi with blinding speed as the Howling Celestial Hound tore through a couple of demons. The proud general then joined the others in the fray, fighting with great poise, elegance, and contained fury as they fell before his onslaught of trident thrusts and blows. Erlang Shen found that while his deity powers were strangely gone, he still had access to his Qi and his natural fighting abilities. Above him, there was a demonic bird flying around, shooting quills of feathers at the Oathsworn.

“Hachi, throw me to that creature up there!” Erlang Shen called out to his new friend. Hachi, using her impressive strength, gathered up the proud general and slung him skyward for the enemy, the wind rushing through his air as he sailed for his target. With a powerful spinning blow, Erlang Shen ran the demonic bird through its chest, prompting an agonizing screech from it as he mounted its chest and rode the crash to the ground.

The creature smashed into the dirt as Erlang Shen leaped off it and landed gracefully on his feet. The Howling Celestial Hound ran to his side, and the two readied to finish off the last demons that stood against the Devotion Clan. Suddenly, a feeling of warmth and power coursed through Erlang as he felt his higher powers return to him, as if touched by a higher deity. His third eye reawakened, and confirmed that the Devotion Clan was of good when the truth seeking ability showed them as such, which only further reaffirmed Erlang Shen’s choice.

Standing before the rest of the demons, with doubled resolve, the general proclaimed, “My name is Erlang Shen, and I will permit no harm to come to my newfound allies, on my honorable name!” With that, Erlang charged into the fight again.



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