Warrior Women Unite! The Sixth And Final Women Warrior Is Coming — ‘Oracle’ Summoning Event (Difficulty *****)

VIMworld Official
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2021

Introducing Oracle — The Allseer

The Oracle, as she came to be known, differs greatly from the other Warrior Woman, or any other of VIMworld’s inhabitants for that matter. Oracle heralds from a magical background; a powerful modern witch with the ability to communicate with spirits scattered across the cosmos.

Oracle’s home planet, Nibiru, gave rise to a powerful civilization with incredibly advanced technologies. Their crowning achievement was a device able to manipulate the fabric of the sixth dimension — a place where time realities intertwine, allowing for the manipulation of future outcomes. Even among this advanced society, Oracle was always renowned for her mythic capabilities. Her latent skills combined with her people’s technology combined to bestow her with the almost god-like powers of telepathy and future-sight.

During one of her many visions, Oracle foresaw the great portal event and, during this moment, witnessed a collective calling themselves the ‘Resilience Clan’. Stranger still, she found herself drawn to their figurehead, Philippe Diamant, who she could sense shared a historical connection to the bloodline of Aje, a goddess of abundance and wealth.

After observing this group for some time, Oracle found herself growing fond of the group’s grit, persistence and conviction in the pursuit of their objectives. Intrigued, and now preoccupied by the energy she had sensed from their figurehead Philippe, Oracle’s journey to VIMworld was soon set in motion. Sensing their virtuosity and righteousness, Oracle promised to use her abilities to further the cause of the Resilience Clan.

Philippe will certainly be thrilled to have such a powerful ally join his cause.

Warrior Women Series:

The Warrior Women Series has been one of our favourites at VIMworld. The collection features art from the incredibly talented, award winning ShinYeon Moon and showcases a cast of powerful female warrior figures with diverse backgrounds. To date, we have encountered San, a tough and stubborn Earth warrior, able to bulldoze through stone. Mushi, with the power to control insects and an all-seeing eye. Hachi with her twin wolf demons, connected spiritually and acting as powerful aids in combat and Nara, light as a feather and with the ability to fly as fast as the strike of lightning. Finally, we met Pinki, an empath whose healing crystals orbs can cure illness and battle wounds.

Soon, VIMworld will encounter the sixth and final member of the Warrior Women series — a unique, highly powerful VIM featuring a never-before-seen trait. This final member of the Collection is known as ‘Oracle’.

The Oracle Summoning Event — The Birth of the Soothsayers of VIMworld

The Oracle brings unique capabilities to VIMworld, bestowing her powers to all holders. Caretakers of The Oracle will unlock cryptic glimpses of the future, harnessing her future sight abilities and gaining insights into future happenings on the VIMworld platform.

The Oracle can be obtained in multiple ways. Only those who meet the requisite criteria before the snapshot taking place on Sept 20th, 2021 at 23:59 UTC+0 will successfully summon Oracle and unlock her new powers for themselves.

The Oracle is a highly unique VIM; a first in class. This new VIM delivers new functionality to the VIMworld platform and brings exciting new options for future events.

This will be the hardest Summoning Event yet — only the most dedicated community members will be able to unlock the Oracle’s skills, borrow her powers of future-sight and become a VIMworld Soothsayer!

The criteria to earn the Oracle VIM are as follows:

This event introduces the WILD mechanic: The Philippe Diamant VIM is considered ‘WILD’, meaning it can be considered as one of the Warrior Women VIMs for the duration of this event.

  • Option 1: Hold all 5 unique Warrior Women VIMs in a single wallet, and a Total Sum* of 3,000,000 VEED tokens to receive an Oracle VIM.
  • Option 2: Hold 4 unique Warrior Women VIMs in a single wallet, and a Total Sum* of 4,000,000 VEED tokens to receive an Oracle VIM.
  • Option 3: Hold 3 unique Warrior Women VIMs in a single wallet, and a Total Sum* of 5,000,000 VEED tokens, to receive an Oracle VIM.

Note: Only one Phillipe Diamant VIM can be used as a WILD VIM per wallet address.

* Total Sum of VEED is calculated by Amount of Free-Floating VEED in the wallet + VEED have fed into the unique Warrior Women VIMs and Philippe Diamant VIM.


  • The Oracle received by a qualifying wallet will be rewarded with varying amounts of Resilient Treasures.
  • The base amount of Resilience Treasures is 50.
  • The highest Vanguard Treasure and corresponding Tier that a Warrior Women or Philippe Diamant VIM has will determine the bonus amount of Resilience Treasures the Oracle would receive.
  • S-Lux and S1 Vanguard will receive 100 Treasures. S2 and above will receive an additional 100 for each tier, and so on, until a max of 1000 Treasures for an SX Vanguard VIM.
  • For example, if one of the Women Warrior or Philippe VIM is a S3 Vanguard VIM, then the Oracle will receive 300 Resilience Treasures. If none of the VIMs have a Vanguard treasure, then the Oracle would have 50 Treasures.

Other Rules for the Oracle VIM summoning event:

  • There will only be one F Tier Oracle VIM airdropped per wallet.
  • The snapshot will take place on Sept 20th, 2021 at 23:59 UTC+0 after which the data is tallied, eligible wallets will receive The Oracle VIM once ready.
  • Users are advised not to move their VIMs after the snapshot until the Oracle VIM is distributed.
  • Only 1 Philippe Diamant VIM can be used as a substitute per wallet.
  • Oracle VIM will be a limited edition VIM which will not be minted outside of this event.
  • VIMworld reserves the right to interpret and to make the final decisions relating to the distribution of the VIM and the running of this event.


#1 If you have 4 unique Warrior Women VIMs + 1 Philippe Diamant, that would be considered equivalent to owning 5 Warrior Women VIMs. The 5 VIMs have a total of 1,500,000 VEED fed inside them, then you’d only need a total of 1,500,000 VEED tokens Free-Floating VEED in the particular wallet to qualify for The Oracle. (3,000,000–1,500,00 = 1,500,000 VEED)

#2 If you have 3 unique Warrior Women VIMs + 1 Philippe Diamant, that would be considered equivalent to owning 4 Warrior Women VIMs. The 4 VIMs have a total of 1,000,000 VEED fed inside them, then you’d need a total of 3,000,000 VEED tokens Free-Floating VEED in the particular wallet to qualify for The Oracle. (4,000,000–1,000,000 = 3,000,000 VEED)



VIMworld Official

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