Journey of Discovery at DePaul

Miranda Garcia
Vincentian Heritage Tour
5 min readJun 9, 2023
Winter 2022: Study Abroad Trip to Barcelona, Spain

Over 4 years ago, I made the decision to attend DePaul University. I was completely lost and uncertain with where this decision would take me, but I felt like underneath and the confusion and questions lied the answer I was looking for. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for in that answer but I felt like I would be able to figure it out at DePaul. During my campus tour and orientation visit, there was a sense of community and collectivism throughout campus that resonated with me. I wasn’t sure if it would be the right fit for me, but I wanted to at least try.

I grew up on the south side of Chicago and moved to the south suburbs when I was a bit older. Even though Chicago was technically only three blocks away from me, I felt so secluded and far from everything outside of my tiny neighborhood. I was determined to get away from this feeling, so I decided to live in the dorms my freshman year. I thought this would be the best way that I would be able to have my ideal college experience of exploring city life but still remaining relatively close to my family. It was such an overwhelmingly new experience for me. During my first quarter it was a tough adjustment but I was having a great time. I found a sense of community in my Discover Chicago class, Latino Immigration to Chicago. My closest friends today are those who I had met in that class. After becoming close with them, I finally felt a sense of belonging and an uplifting community. Through mutual friends of this group, I also made a few other friends too.

Fall 2019: Discover Chicago Class

I was growing and discovering who I was, but I still felt a bit lost in terms of academics. I started as an undecided business major before I made the decisions to declare my major in accounting. I have little to no knowledge about accounting, but it seemed like a good route to go down. This uncertainty scared me. Being a first generation student, all of this was so new to me and I had no idea how to navigate higher education. I luckily found wonderful and supportive mentors who help guide me during this time. I soon realized that I would be able to use accounting as a way to mold my professional and personal passions together in one. At this time, I was also selected to be a part of the community service studies scholar program, so I declared my minor in community service and was awarded a 3 year long scholarship. I finally felt like pieces were coming together.

A few months later, everything changed. COVID was spreading and everything began shutting down. I was forced to move out of my dorm and move back into the suburbs with my family. I felt like I was losing my community. Once virtual programming began, I started to feel a bit connected to the DePaul community again. I discovered Meet Me at the Mission and started attending events. I participated in a virtual service immersion to El Salvador. This was a transformative experience and the beginning of me creating a connection to and understanding the Vincentian Mission.

Winter 2020: El Salvador Virtual Service Immersion Group

From this experience, I was encouraged to get further involved on campus! I was elected into my roles in DePaul’s Student Government Association as the Senator for First Generation Students, Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority’s executive board, and DePaul Women in Business’s executive board all the following quarter. Each of these roles shaped me and allowed me to grow in my leadership and expand my communities. These spaces supported and uplifted me as I was navigating the path of redefining what my college experience “should” be. It made me realize the true importance of being in a community where I could be my authentic self and feel love and support.

Fall 2022: DePaul Women in Business Community Service Event
Spring 2023: Vincentian Service Day Team Photo

Fast forward two years later, I was now preparing for my trip to Paris, France as part of the Vincentian Heritage Tour (VHT) cohort this year. This journey would be the culmination of my college experience nearing its end and a representation of who I have become today. I had the opportunity to explore where the Vincentian Mission began 400 years ago and how its impacts are still felt around the world. It was 10 days of reflection, learning, and being in community with fellow students and Mission and Ministry staff. It was a very new learning experience filled with uncertainties, explorations, and discoveries.

Spring 2023: VHT Cohort

As I begin to prepare for graduation and to leave DePaul, I am grateful for all that I have accomplished and learned. My hope is that I continue to live life integrating values that helped shape my college experience. I want to continue to carry with me the gratitude, hospitality, and kindness that I have been shown.

