My life, a church.

Mandy Jessica
Vincentian Heritage Tour
6 min readApr 12, 2019

I pray that my journey inspires you to pursue looking within and find that thing inside you that makes you want to change the world. I will be sharing my journey and some entries of my own journal of my service immersion trip to Paris, France. — MJ

The Trek to Paris.

7:58p.m. March 22, 2019

Waiting to board the flight. And in this waiting. I am reminded of a familiar song.

Learning about Saint Vincent DePaul and how he struggled with finding his calling really spoke to me. Once he did find his purpose, he wanted answers to why poverty persists, why there were injustices in our society. He did not start his journey as a saint. I started my college journey as an education major, but I switched to nursing then pharmacy and at that point my family and I both had no idea what I was trying to pursue. I was failing classes, developing bad mental and physical health and while I was born and raised as a Christian I struggled with my faith. But Saint Vincent once said to “Go to the poor and you will find God.” When I started serving others and seeing the needs of the community, I got my faith back. When I saw others hungry, without homes, I realized that I had been so selfish with the pursuit of my degree, I was thinking about the approval of others, the income, the lifestyle, that I forgot all about the impact, the needs. After Joyana Dvorak informed me about various events, I started volunteering at the Santa Mike event, clothing drive events, and while doing research on marginalized communities I found that I was on the right path all along. That path career led to Public Health, but it will always be serving.

12:58pm March 23,2019

Spent down time in Heathrow, London will be headed to Paris, France. During the flight from Chicago to London, I had an ill feeling, my lactose sensitivity would spring up on me :( And yep it did. It was the goat cheese in that vegetarian torta!

Later that night

I spent my first night in Paris, adjusting to my own room, going to dinner with my cohort and walking by the Eiffel tower with my friends. It was such an amazing sight.

I am challenging myself to believe, to love and to care for myself like I do others. -MJ

Went inside the Eiffel tower.

March 24, 2019 9:56pm

Today was a free day in Paris before we began our journey of visiting historical Vincentian sites like the Church of St. Sulpice.

I went inside the Eiffel tower and climbed over 1,000 steps to the center and took the elevator the rest of the way up. With each climb, the higher you are, the clearer you can see things that weren’t apparent from the lower levels. And I think that we can apply that to how we live our lives. The more we challenge ourselves to reach another level, our perception changes. Things that were hidden are found. Things we focus on, become so small we forget how largely it existed in our lives. When I reached the top, it took more than a few minutes to catch my breath. I felt free. -MJ

March 27, 2019

While I’m not catholic I have enjoyed going to the historical churches and sites. The art, the windows, I imagine a young woman hundreds of years ago, standing in the same spot as me contemplating on God’s will for her life. In our society, a common vice for division is religion. We are all so fixated on this gap in our beliefs instead of respecting that diversity. It’s something breathtaking about being able to talk about God with a Muslim or even an atheist. Church is a place, but a true church is a people. I want my life to manifest the historical beauty of God’s love, I want it to be as strong and firm as the ancient cathedrals that we visited.

Sometimes, I wonder how the world would be if everyone knew that God truly loved them. Would there be any wars? Would there be high suicide rates? These are the questions that take away my sleep. Welp, night. -MJ

My view from a bathroom in the palace

March 28, 2019 8:21pm

Today we visited the village of Joigny, Fontainebleau, Paris and it was so beautiful. I repeat the countryside is beautiful! But my breath was stolen at the magnificent palace (Fontainebleau) that St. Vincent would visit for royal business. Visiting this site, challenged me to consider what legacy I plan to leave behind. I want my life to leave something that can still be relevant many light years away like Saint Vincent's mission of challenging others to ask, “what must be done?”

What was the turning point of my journey?

The dreaded scooters.

St. Louise de Marillac collaborated with Saint Vincent on working to serve others in need and also with the daughters of Charity. On the feast of Pentecost, June 4, 1623, Louise, while at prayer, had a vision of herself serving the poor and living in an evangelical community. This experience was described as “lumière.” I too, experienced a turning point that changed my life.

My friends loved riding these scary looking scooters that are placed above. I was scared and had lot of fear and boldly refused to ride one. I saw these scooters before, and I was scared that I was going to fall. Tom Judge, one of our teachers, really changed my perspective. For me, the scooter began representing everything in life that scared me. He encouraged me to combat my negative thoughts and doubts with positive affirmations and truths. So, I, hesitant at first, got on that scooter, and I told myself if I fall it will hurt, but that’s okay. Before I knew it, I was flying up and down the streets of Paris. I was scared, but I started thinking about all the limitations we can easily place on ourselves because of our fears, and that day I promised myself to let go. After riding, I stood there and cried and cried because I felt free, and I truly was.

March 31, 2019

These simple things, they don’t bother me anymore. I find grace in your light, peace in your sight. I’m free as the river breeze. I shall sing of your love for me. -MJ

Back on the flight home. I am ready. My heart felt like it was in pieces going to such a place like Paris, But I saw the beauty that God created. I was reminded how beautiful life truly is. I am inspired to continue serving and making sure that daily I am making sure that my actions are answering the question of what must be done. - MJ



Mandy Jessica
Vincentian Heritage Tour

“Start small, grow tall.”-Andrew Panes