Nikki is not a Psychic…. and that's ok.

Nikki Beulah
Vincentian Heritage Tour
4 min readJun 5, 2023
High School Grad Nikki

Towards the end of 8th grade I had an idea in my mind about what my time high school would be like and the same thing happened when I made it to my senior year. Of course, my idea of what it would be like was never correct (especially the college one!) but it was still an idea, nonetheless.

Right now were about 2 weeks away from graduation and it just occurred to me that for once I don’t have a set idea of what my life is gonna look like after college. Now that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because even if I did it probably wasn’t gonna be what I was thinking anyway! Way back in 2019 when I first got on to campus I never would’ve thought I would be graduating four years later having went to Paris and being a Student Leader of an org.

Gold Awardee Nikki

The second part is kind of not surprising seeing as I was used to being in leadership positions thanks to being in Girl Scouts K — 12th grade, but the first part was definitely a surprise. That being said, I’m glad I was able to experience these surprises because they have definitely shaped the many ideas of life after college I have in my head now.

Sankofa Student Leader Nikki and her favorite professor

Just like a whole bunch of other people here at DePaul, I knew I had to go to school here four years ago. Again, coming from Girl Scouts service was something that was instilled in me and was something I was (and still am!) passionate about, so the idea of what must be done was right up my alley. Although it took some time for me to get back into my groove I was still able to start doing service and take on leadership opportunities while making new friends.

Paris Nikki

Of course covid put a stop to a lot of that but I was lucky enough to be able to not only bounce back but bounce forward and be in a better place than I was before covid hit. I was able to become a CQM and a Sankofa Student leader which allowed me to go to on the Vincentian Heritage Tour in Paris! it was there that I was able to finally see how much more there is to life outside of school (and also how good food is over in France). Before I went I didn’t really know what I wanted to do after college except work and maybe go back to school but, after visiting DePaul France and learning about how one person was able to get it up and running and help a bunch of people in need, I realized that although I won’t be servicing the DePaul community as a student anymore that doesn’t mean I have to stop serving. Now I’m able to branch out into the Chicagoland area and serve a greater area and also give more time to serving in general!

Grad Nikki

I was really scared I wouldn’t know what to do after I graduate or that I would get bored, but now I think I’m gonna be ok. And if any thing I know I can always go back to DePaul where a bunch of people would welcome me with open arms. :)

Nikki and some of her Sankofa Fam

