Why Tapping into Local Knowledge Matters When Visiting A Cycling Destination

Gerardo Capiel
Vine Trail Adventures
3 min readMay 28, 2024
Bike guide and guest celebrating the end of another awesome ride!
Bike guide and guest celebrating the end of an awesome bike tour!

In today’s digital age, with apps like Google Maps, Strava, Komoot, and RideWithGPS, it might seem unnecessary to hire a local bike guide when exploring a new cycling vacation destination. After all, these apps provide routes, elevation profiles, and even turn-by-turn navigation. However, relying solely on apps can leave you missing out on a deeper, richer cycling experience. Here’s why tapping into the Local Knowledge that a bike guide provides is invaluable:


While apps offer a general overview of your route, they often lack up-to-date information on road conditions. A local guide, on the other hand, knows which roads are freshly paved, which have potholes, and which are under construction. They can try to steer you clear of hazards, such as aggressive dogs or loose gravel, and keep your ride smooth and enjoyable.


Riding alone in an area you don’t know well can be dangerous. Apps don’t always accurately reflect traffic patterns or shoulder conditions. A local guide understands peak traffic times, knows which roads are best avoided during rush hour, and can navigate you to the safest and most scenic routes. A guide can also administer first-aid or call first-responders and loved ones in an emergency. Finally, riding as a group can reduce the chances of not being seen by a distracted driver.


Apps can’t replace the insights of someone who knows the area intimately. A local guide can lead you to hidden gems that aren’t on the map — charming cafes, tucked-away lunch spots, and the best places to celebrate your ride with a local brew or glass of wine. They can also share stories and history, adding a layer of cultural richness to your adventure.


While apps can provide a bird’s-eye view, they often miss the most picturesque viewpoints. A local guide can direct you to stunning vistas and photo opportunities that only the locals know about, ensuring you capture the best memories of your ride. And of course, a guide is always happy to take your photo or use their GoPro or Insta360 camera to safely capture amazing videos of your ride.

Beyond Local Knowledge, cycling with a bike guide has these other benefits:


Cycling is more fun with company, and a local guide can be a fantastic companion. They can share stories, local lore, and post-ride recommendations for dining, entertainment, and activities. Their enthusiasm and knowledge can enhance your entire experience.


No matter how well-prepared you are, unexpected issues can arise. A local guide is often equipped to handle minor mechanical problems, ensuring you’re never stranded or without assistance.


While cycling apps are undoubtedly helpful tools, they can’t replicate the depth of knowledge and experience that a local guide offers. Whether it’s finding the smoothest roads, uncovering hidden treasures, or simply having a more enjoyable and informed ride, tapping into Local Knowledge is an investment that pays off in spades. So, the next time you’re planning a cycling vacation, consider hiring a local guide and make the best use of your limited vacation time. And if you’re planning to vacation in Napa Valley or Sonoma start by contacting us or booking a tour.



Gerardo Capiel
Vine Trail Adventures

Bike Guide, Owner Vine Trail Adventures, Board Member, Former Product Leader, Founder, Puerto Rican