Do you want to improve your english communication? You are in the right place!

Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2020

I don’t use to think much about my communication skills since my day to day work doesn’t use to involve much communication with clients. But things got changed when I got transferred to another project. Now I have to work with a team of developers in the US. I thought I could handle it because my communication skills aren’t that bad.

It was a bumpy ride in the beginning but I handled it somehow and things started rolling. Even though things are going fine there are instances when I felt like they find it difficult to understand my slang here and there. So I thought like I can’t let this go like this. I should at least make an effort to improve myself.

I started searching Youtube for people talking in North American slang, I saw some tutorial videos helping Asians to speak in North American slang. But these methods where not that effective as I need. So while I was watching a youtube video I come across this website called Cambly.

The website looked very simple to me. It was so perfect for what I need. Cambly gives you a listing of native English speakers from countries like the US, Canada, Australia, England, etc. All you need to do is, sign up and choose a plan, and you are done. Now you chat with any tutor you want.

What makes Cambly unique is they are providing quality service. I mean most of the listed trainers are certified teachers. Also, they are very calm and patient with you. They will make you feel at home. You just feel like talking to a friend. Cambly is a simple and user-friendly web application. You can filter trainers according to their personality, where they are from etc.

For one month, it almost cost me like 5k. Even though I felt it expensive first, later I figured out that it worth it. Just after a couple of sessions, I started feeling more confident in my standup meetings. Before I just used to keep my talks formal, now I feel free to talk casually as well.
I am planning to stick with Cambly at least for 6 months. I’m very impressed with the result so far.

If you are that guy looking to improve your communication skills like me, Cambly is for you. If you are not feeling sure, just sign up and try a free 10 minutes session. Most people like us failed to take the first step, without making that step we will never know what’s out there. So are you ready for Cambly?

Take action! Signup here and get a 10 min free Cambly session.



Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan

Software Engineer | Scribbler | Loves coding and movies | Passive Reader | Lazy Blogger