Lessons learned from my ex-colleagues

Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan
3 min readApr 18, 2017


I have been working as a web developer for 5 years now. And if I have learned anything I believe it is because I had some good colleagues and they share they same enthusiasm I have in sharing knowledge and helping each other. These are some of the lessons I learned from my colleagues.

Invest in yourself

A successful career or being a successful employee is not a destination, it a journey. We must learn daily on topics related to our tasks, the world is moving on fast, tomorrow, smarter and more informed employees or a challenging project shows up, then it would be too late. So build up ourselves daily. Like Warren Buffet said, “The best investment you can make is in Yourself”. To complain is easy, we can complain there is no training program, there are no smart colleagues to learn from but at the end of the day, all that matters is “Do you have the required skills to stay in the game?”

Love your work

I once asked my colleague “How you stay energetic all the time?” He asked me “Do you used to feel exhausted when you work on a side project, a project for yourself? No right?”. That is the same reason I’m not exhausted after work. If you are working on a project as your own pet project you will understand client`s requirements well, you will understand issues in that project before client points them out, you will know what all requirements that will be needed in this project in future, and when you communicate with client he/she will know what you are talking about because they know that you care, because it’s your project and you know what it needs.

Love your company

I worked with this employee named Ajeesh for two years. He was one of the best our company had. He never complained about the lack of holidays or he never complained about working hours. Instead, he discussed everything with the boss. He discussed in such a way like he is a partner of the company. He always comes up with solutions and ideas that help the company to make progress and grow. He used to train us for using new technologies and tools to improve the performance of developers here. He used to say when I work for a company, I have a responsibility to make it better in my own strength. He always believed it`s a win-win for both employee and boss when a company grows. So when he left our company for a better career, we didn`t lose just an employee, we lose someone bigger. Someone who really cared about his company and his colleagues.

One of my friends once said, “We could either be a mediocre employee and blame our working atmosphere for that or we could contribute to making us better and those around us.”

To all my ex-colleagues and colleagues who helped me and supported me through out my career.



Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan

Software Engineer | Scribbler | Loves coding and movies | Passive Reader | Lazy Blogger