Uncle Bob — The Dev behind Agile Manifesto & Clean code

Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2018

Who is Uncle Bob?

Robert Martin is an American software engineer and author. He is known as Uncle Bob in the programming community. He is one of the 17 software development visionaries who came up with Agile Manifesto, an alternative model for software development.

Agile Software Development

Agile Manifesto is a set of 12 principles which forms a process which is dynamic by nature and encouraging rapid and flexible response to change. This new model was so suitable for software development, it took over the software development world and even some companies in other fields are getting inspired by some principles of Agile.

Other Contributions

Uncle Bob has also written some awesome books on software development. Some of his books like Clean Code is considered as the bible among the programming community. He has also presented many sessions on many important topics like clean code, software testing, agile management, future of programming etc. He always stressed the importance of writing clean, readable, well-tested code. According to Bob, every programmer should take responsibility for the quality of his/her code despite whatever deadline or environment he/she is working in for.

Currently, Robert C Martin runs a consulting firm called Uncle Bob Consulting, which does services like Training, Architecture & Design Consulting, Code Reviews, Agile Technical and Management Consulting, Speaking and keynotes. He also runs a website called Clean coders which hosts training videos for software developers.

Final Thoughts

Robert Martin is an inspiring figure among the whole developer community. His vast experience in writing software, his simple, well detailed and humorous way of presenting software development concepts earned him a reputation very few developers have in the community. A lot of developers including me look up to his talks and books to get the inspiration to become more a productive developer, write quality code and to approach software development in a more professional way.

“Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares” Robert C. Martin

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Vineeth Vijayan
Vineeth Vijayan

Software Engineer | Scribbler | Loves coding and movies | Passive Reader | Lazy Blogger