
Make Messages Simple

Read Mark 4:1–9

Xavier Woon
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2024


Innovate & Connect Better. Dall.E3

During my school years, I only saw teachers in the classroom.

They taught using chalk & blackboard, markers & whiteboard, and then PowerPoint slides.

What did not change was the teacher standing in front and the pupils being obediently seated (most of them).

Did the theories my esteemed teachers and professors taught get into me?

Not really. That goes the same for my parents too.

They gave instructions in rapid succession.

My tiny brain could not absorb so much.

With my kids, I tried not to make the same mistake.

I listened and spoke plainly. I gave them one instruction at a time.

Make messages simple.

What was it like centuries ago?

Reading and writing were limited to the royalty, priests and scribes.

The priests and scribes taught the Laws of Moses using formal language.

Is it a wonder that most ordinary Jews could not connect with them?

However, when Jesus came along, things changed!

