Part 1: History of Redux State Management at Vingle

Young Min Kim
Vingle Tech Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

In this two-part post, I am going to go over the different flavors of Redux state management at Vingle and our thought process behind each iterations we went through over the last year and half. I hope this post guide how you structure your Redux states.

Genesis: Redux + Immutable.Map

My team chose React to create a small-scale mobile marketing website as a learning experiment. Our main project, at the time, was based on Rails, and Angular 1, and we were separating web applications from Rails to simplify, and speed up our deployment process. That meant we had to create everything from scratch: a new build pipeline, a new webpack configuration, while learning about the vast React ecosystem.

We heard that Redux simplifies debugging application states greatly, and, with the nightmarish memories of debugging Angular 1’s watchers, chose to adopt Redux. We also learned a bit about shouldComponentUpdate and React's component lifecycle, and wanted to have an immutable state. I was already familiar with high-order immutable objects from my previous work (this), so Immutable.js was an obvious choice.

In the end, we have Redux setup looking like this:

Redux + Immutable.Map

1st Iteration: Typescript + Redux + Immutable.Map

Once we have gotten more used to React, and Redux, and proven that we could develop new features much faster on the mobile page, we started migrating our main web application to React. But unlike the proof-of-concept mobile page, this app would have dozens of routes and reducers, and much more complex components, so we chose to use Typescript for this app.

Unfortunately, Immutable.Map with different types of values (number, boolean, other Maps, or Lists, for example) does not play well with Typescript. The following is a Typescript definition of Immutable.Map:

Immutable.Map Type Definition

As you can see, there isn’t a good way to specify different types of a Immutable.Map’s values. So we ended up doing this hacky workaround.

Typescript + Redux + Immutable.Map

Needless to say, this pattern is painful to maintain, and hard to guarantee correctness. Typescript got in the way rather than helping us.

2nd Iteration: Typescript + Redux + Immutable.Record

So we looked for a better way to tie Typescript and Immutable.js together. Then we found that there was another Immutable class called Immutable.Record and a library called typed-immutable-record. With the library, we created a type-safe Immutable Record:

It took some time for us to understand how to scaffold Record interfaces correctly but we managed to create type-safe redux states with both dot notations, and helper methods like setIn or withMuations. However, as you can see from the code above, we had to create a large number of interfaces, especially when our states were deeply nested. Once we got the pattern down, it wasn't difficult to follow the pattern but it was a lot of work which disincentivized our team to create smaller, and isolated reducers. But we didn't know any better, so we carried on.

3rd Iteration: Typescript + Redux + Typescript Readonly Interfaces

During a random conversation with an engineer at another startup, I learned about readonly properties in Typescript, and realized those properties could replace Immutable.js completely.

Typescript + Redux + Typescript Readonly Interfaces

By using Readonly interfaces, the scaffolding is reduced to a quarter by removing RecordPart, Record, and recordify. However, there is a problem with this approach when you need to update deeply; the case above UPDATED_TITLE is such an example. During the conversion, we had some codes go out of hand like this:

Deep Update Trouble

4th Iteration: Typescript + Redux + Typescript Readonly Interfaces + Normalizr

We could solve this problem by adopting a deep merge library, but we feared that those libraries may not be type-safe. After giving some thoughts, we determined that the real problem was with the deeply nested structures of our states and planned to flatten the states by normalizing. Of the two popular normalizing libraries, redux-orm, and normalizr, we chose the latter for its simplicity.

Our final, and current version of redux looks like the following:

Typescript + Redux + Typescript Readonly Interfaces + Normalizr


When I look back, part of me regret that we didn’t do more research which could have saved a lot of time; this collection of redux-related libraries would have been helpful, and normalizing is already in official Redux documention. However, part of me also feel like we would have never appreciated the utility of these libraries and techniques because we didn’t know the downsides of not using those libraries and techniques. And that is why I wrote this post; I hope you understand what problems lie ahead and save yourself some time.

