
Meeting App concept

Vinit Mankar
Vinit Mankar



We often see our colleagues struggling during meetings. Even if the session is well planned, they need to meet with their other attendees, hear each other’s opinions, debate options, make clear-cut decisions on the next steps and prepare action items.


Product Designer


Design a mobile-based application that lets you handle meeting proceedings comprehensively and effectively solving the issue of recording meetings while tackling all the things that one might want to do during or after a meeting.


The process I followed

Target User

Working Professionals attending meetings regularly.


The assumptions I had about the target user



  • Interviews.


  • Validate Assumptions
  • Find and prioritize needs
  • Discover more problems

I called a few of my friends who interned with various companies and startups to get more insights into the problem.


I did affinity mapping to empathize more with the users and to find common grey areas to solve for.

Affinity mapping based on the telephonic interviews

Based on these findings, I went ahead and created the user personas.

User stories

To relate to the life of personas, I created storyboards for each of them.

Life of Walter Cooper
Life of Alan Wolowitz


Ideate and Sketching

I jot down points and information and refer to it every time I make a design decision. Before starting to design, I played around with different Note-taking, Productivity, and To-do apps (Notion, Google Keep, Trello, Slack) to understand the design.


Lo-fi wireframes to redefine the sketches in order to make the idea more concrete.

High Fidelity Designs

I went ahead with green as my main color because it has calming effects. I used Figma to design app screens.

Lessons Learned

  • Let people drive conversations- During the telephonic interviews, I asked open-ended questions to get to the pain points and let the user drive the conversations. If we’re looking for some insight into how users think about a problem, open questions always give us a lot more detail.

Thanks for reading!!



Vinit Mankar
Vinit Mankar

Artist, Designer, Engineer and everything in between