Machine Learning: What is it and why it matters

.vinnd team
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2017
Vinnd’s Intelligent Database is powered by machine learning

Recently it seems that every time you open your browser or scroll through a news feed, some people are writing articles about machine learning and its influence on our lives. Machine learning has been highlighted in articles covering everything from Virtual Assistant to androids and cars on autopilot that can accomplish the same tasks as humans. A number of huge companies are determining machine learning as ‘the future’ — but what we should really expect from that?

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a core subfield of artificial intelligence, that enables computers to get into a form of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. These programs are enabled to learn, develop, change, and grow by themselves when exposed to a new data.

As SAS mentioned, analytics software developer based in North Carolina: “Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building.” It allows computers to find astute information without being programmed what to conclude or where to look for a critical piece of data; instead, it does this by using algorithms that iteratively learn from information.

Artificial intelligence (AI) provides a promise of initial human-to-machine interaction. When machines grow intelligent, they can connect data points, understand requests, and form conclusions. They can observe, reason and plan. All ML tools considered as AI, but all AI are not considered as ML. For instance: expert orders, control engines, representative logic, and input graphs — could all be defined as AI, and none of them are ML.

Why it matters?

ML will shape our future more severely than any other innovation of this century. Anyone who does not understand it will soon feel themselves behind, waking up in a world full of technology that more and more resembles science-fiction film.

Machine learning has some very significant applications that operate the kind of real business results — such as money and time savings — that provides the potential to productively influence the future of your company. We see enormous impact occurring within the client service industry, whereby machine learning is enabling people to get things done MORE QUICKLY (oh, god) and productively.

Machine learning has made moving developments in the past few years. But it still very far from reaching human productivity. A long time the machine needs the support of human to perform its tasks. At Interactions, we have expanded Virtual Assistant solutions that easily mix artificial with genuine human intelligence to achieve the highest level of precision and recognition.

