What technologies Machine Learning uses?

.vinnd team
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018

Nowadays, machine learning is a breakthrough in the technology world. Although machine learning started from advanced research in cybernetics and robotics, now it is frequently focused on the mathematical algorithms and software applied to accomplishing certain types of tasks.

Machine learning is not a particular method or technology but is preferably a sphere of computational science that combines various technologies to create systems that can learn from the data in their environment and then make predictions and take actions when faced with a new situation. Since we are also going to use machine learning in Vinnd, let us tell you what algorithms and technologies ML uses.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms can’t be fully preprogrammed and fixed previously because application meanings can differ hugely. Instead, a broad group of algorithms is chosen for a given situation and their variable parameters are learned to fit a concrete application’s data. There are many useful architectures in machine learning. We have two ways to categorize algorithms: by learning style and by a similarity in form of function.

Algorithms Grouped by Learning Style

There are several ways an algorithm can model a problem based on its cooperation with the experience or whatever we are naming the input data. There are only a few basic learning styles or learning patterns that algorithms can have. This way of classifying machine learning algorithms is helpful because it lets you choose one that is the most suitable for your case in order to reach the best result.

Supervised learning is a type of algorithm in which both input and desired output data are implemented. Input and output data are designated for classification to give a training basis for future data processing.

Unsupervised learning is the training of an algorithm using information that is not classified and not designated and enabling the algorithm to act on that data without a manual.

Reinforcement learning allows machines and software tools to automatically define the perfect behavior within a particular context, in order to maximize its representation.

Algorithms Grouped By Similarity

Algorithms are often grouped by the similarity in terms of their purpose. Although this method of classification is useful, it’s not perfect.

Regression algorithms are affected by modeling the link among variables that are iteratively improved utilizing a type of error in the predictions made by the model.

The instance-based algorithm is a resolution problem with examples or samples of training data that are considered important or needed to the model.

Decision tree methods build a model of decisions made based on real conditions of attributes in the data.

Bayesian methods are those that explicitly applying Bayes’ Theorem for problems such as classification and regression.

Clustering algorithm describes the type of problem and the class of methods. Clustering methods are typically generated by the modeling strategies such as centroid-based and hierarchal.

We listed main machine learning algorithms that are using nowadays. There are no statistics behind these techniques in this article. Algorithms are a big part of machine learning, so it means that there could be another article about them. Keep reading us :)

