Some of you are lions then why behave like sheep

Vinod Kj
vinods Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2018

The Oracle of Delphi said the most essential words’”Know Thyself”

Yes, the most essential research done to date with so many questions, mankind had tried to know himself, but after all these years the problem remains? Have we found ourselves?

Why do you think we have not found ourselves yet? The answer resonates very clearly from all philosophers and from all holy saints who perished before us, tried to indicate the response is FEAR!!

Let us start with a small story,

Once upon a time in a faraway fairyland where there were only animals, a baby lion was abandoned in the wild, and it was raised by a group of wild sheep(In this story there were no wolves as in Jungle book)

So the lion behaved adequately like a sheep and even ran around playing like a sheep, the sheep-lion was very happy and peaceful, and then one day a real lion approached. All the sheep were running around in panic, the other lion who saw this she-lion was taken by surprise as there was a reason for all those sheep to be afraid! But why the hell is this guy running away from me!!.

So the vast lion caught our guy by the neck, and on seeing the big lion, our guy was really pissed off and was begging for life. The surprised big lion gave a slap to his face and showed his face in a river nearby then only our hero came to our senses and understood that he was the king of the jungle.

I am not going to explain what happened next, no he never hugged those sheep and cried, instead of after finishing his lunch and dinner both lions told HIGH FIVE!!! End of story here.

Hi I am the lion
This story is relevant to our hero, but we as humans are far higher than this dumb creature. We are not determined by all other external circumstances that we are bought up, it is we who decide how we have to live and how our life is to be lived.

We are supposed to remember that our life is an extensive encyclopedia and we have the fullest power that is bestowed by this universe to make sure we write every page in this book by ourselves and we need to remember that we are really writing it.

Maybe someday someone is going to read that book, and it should not be like “‘OH MY GOD THIS GUY SUCKS!!”

If you can clearly see with little awareness we can understand that many pages are written by the influence of fear, it has many variations, even if you stay long hours in office afraid that your wife is irritating it still is fear of your wife.!! Fear is omnipresent in many forms!!

A drunkard tells, he always drinks just because it feels so good, maybe the fear of life is making him still drink, perhaps something even more significant! But the ultimate enemy is fear itself.

After drinking two bottles of beer in the name of Happiness, Monday morning is still the same, but the mind refuses right?

So it’s time to find yourself. Quite a problematic activity but it’s worth every penny of your time.

Understand why you fear? Is it fear of people?

No one can do anything to you without your permission.

No circumstance is terrible unless you think its wrong. Just remember you have to face the odds nothing can be done. Don’t switch on the flight mode instead turn on the FIGHT mode that’s best

Don’t allow the devil to take control of your mind, understand you are higher than your fears. Maybe it is not as bad as it seems. Trust your mind, perhaps you are not listening to your greatest friend who wants to say something.

The universe tries to teach you something again and again until you learn it. That’s why we ask why me always!! It wants you to come out of your shell and face the world. Maybe you are worthy of something more significant or even if you are not worthy of becoming a millionaire you still need not be afraid.

They tell idle mind is devil’s workshop, but I say fear occupies the empty regions of our brain so try filling it with FAITH maybe you will win one day, but that one day will never come if you don’t start today.

So just take small steps every day.

Nerves of steel are not made during birth. We need to forge it every day of our life so start practising fearlessness!!

If you are really interested in Overcoming your fears I do have a complete online course on Overcoming Fear

Originally published at



Vinod Kj
vinods Blog

Blogger|Passionate writer|content creator|udemy instructor with 10000 students|author of “IF YOUR LIFE LOOKS LIKE THIS”|