CryptoCurrents [III] | 14.Jun.2018

Nik Jacob
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2018

Weekly pulse of key events in cryptocurrency markets

📰 TLDR | Coinbase to support crypto-securities… Coinrail exchange hacked to the tune of $40M… Bitmain considers $12B IPO… SEC indicates Bitcoin is not a security but ICOs may be

Market Snapshot

14-Jun-2018 Cryptocurrency market snapshot

🚀 Launches | Inside the EOS mainnet launch(es) / Tezos to fork pre-launch / BlockCollider miner launch shows early promise for interoperability

💼 Regulatory briefing | SEC Chairman says Bitcoin is not a security, most other cryptos likely are

👑 Sovereign snapshot | Korea will regulate crypto exchanges like banks

👻 Hacks | Korean exchange Coinrail loses $40M in hack / Misconfigured ethereum clients lead to $20M loss

🌐 Ecosystem views | Consensys Token Utility Canvas

🌀 Coinbase | CB’s path to securitization / Launches institutional index fund / Resists tokenization of equity shares / Adds ETC support LOL

Binance | Explores Euro trading pairs / Discloses investment in Republic (CoinList spinoff)

🔧 Cool tools | Crypto dashboard for sentiment, trends, and technicals / Sentiment analysis

⭐️ Market perspective | Top influencers share their outlook on crypto / Research leads to Bitfinex Tether manipulation for 2017 highs

Adoption + Enterprise | 50 use cases for blockchain

🔑 Custody corner | Fidelity to build crypto custody and exchange services

💡 Learner’s lagoon | All about Airdrops

📈 Word from Wall Street | Thomson Reuters to add sentiment tracking for top cryptocurrencies (Or you can do it for free here and here)

👽 Random | Physical airdrops (from the HK skies)

🦄 M&A | Bitmain eyes $12B IPO in HK after $400M funding from Sequoia China

👓 Technical tally | All about Schnorr Signatures

🎯 Consensus Algorithms | EOS dPoS vs Cosmos Tendermint BFT

🎩 Thought Leaders | Jimmy Song on Smart Contracts

🔨 Minding mining | Valuation of mining operations / Misconceptions of Mining

🌞 Causes | Ripple donates $50M to higher education for blockchain research

📊 Charts & Data | The $30B selloff — supply economics

💎 Research hub | Multicoin Capital — DPoS Features & Tradeoffs

✈️ Conferences around the the corner | June events

☕️ Long Read | Coinshares Whitepaper on Mining

Quote(s) of the week:

Replace the dollar, the yen, the euro with Bitcoin. That type of currency is not a security.

— Jay Clayton, SEC Chair

“ My view: there are basically 5 scaling strategies:

(1) Many separate chains (2) Super-big blocks (3) Incremental improvements that don’t change security model [eg. replacing txs + sigs with compressed delta + STARKs] (4) Layer 2 [channels and plasma] (5) Sharding”

— Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder

Thanks for reading! As a neutral avenue for cryptocurrency news, we do not affiliate with or endorse any parties referenced. Our objective is to increase knowledge and awareness of the cryptocurrency markets.

