Community Support — the eyes, ears, and voice of Vinted

Monika Kalinauskaitė
Vinted Stories
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2016

Meet our community support agents: Izabelė (France) and Lina (Germany). At Vinted, they’re often the first people to help members with questions and receive feedback.

What were you up to before coming to Vinted?

Lina: About 7 years ago, I first travelled to Berlin as an exchange student to live with a German family for a week. Back then, I only knew a few phrases in German, but I fell in love with the language and the way it sounded right away. After 3 more years I chose to study German language and culture, found some German friends and lived in Berlin for a month.

It wasn’t enough, so I applied for an Erasmus scholarship, but due to personal reasons, I couldn’t go. I was really upset, but when one door closes, another opens. I got an email from Vinted that said they were looking for a German support agent. I wasn’t actually in search of a job at the time. I had just forgot to delete my CV from the online portal!

But Vinted’s offer looked great. I remember finding a link to in the email and everything about the office life seemed really nice, although truthfully, I had only maybe used the Vinted website once at that time. I applied anyway, because this was a job that allowed me to use my love for German and after a couple of interviews, I was hired!

What are the first memories of meeting Team Vinted that you’ve got?

Izabelė: On the night before my first job interview, I was at a bar and had to take a taxi back home. As I was getting out of the car, I heard the taxi driver shout back at me: “Hey, you know what? At the end of the day, everything happens for a reason! That job interview is gonna happen the way it’s supposed to happen.”

I remember opening Vinted HQ’s door and timidly asking for directions. The cool people wearing wool socks and the office itself just wowed me. I immediately forgot what the taxi driver said — panic kicked in: I HAVE to work here! How do I dazzle my interviewers?

And then I sat down in front of three beautiful smiling ladies to talk about Vinted and myself. The interview left me puzzled: was this a job interview or were we actually supposed to laugh and chat about life? I fell in love with the company, and hey, maybe it happened the way it was supposed to happen. I was in!

What’s is your job and your team like?

Izabelė: The Vilnius French Community Support team is a lovely 5-lady squad that works closely with the UK Community Support Team, which is just as great. My day-to-day responsibilities include guiding our French members through Vinted and helping them out, basically. I do that through casual chats, forum messages and other ways that you’d normally use to communicate with your besties. The work is rather dynamic, and I love it: every case is so different and you get to become a real life-inspector. We chat with our French colleagues, update each other on our internal news platform, and crack a few jokes. And by “a few”, I mean plenty. We like to think we’re very funny.

What’s your biggest motivation to work for Vinted?

Lina: Working at Vinted, I have gained a lot of experience. I’ve improved my German language skills, I’ve gotten to see how start-ups work, and I’ve learned how to deal with unhappy members. The employees are encouraged to strive for the best results and if you want to grow as a person, Vinted is always there to help, whether through private lessons, books or tickets to events that you want to attend.

Plus, these people really know how to throw a party! I would never ever miss VintedFEST — when everyone who works for Vinted globally comes to Lithuania to have fun together. Oh and all our team building events and “Mortal Combat fights” at lunch break! I could carry on, but I’ll just say this: Vinted cares about everyone who works here. The atmosphere the employees create and the care they show is really exceptional.

Izabelė: Two things motivate me the most: positive feedback and a nice work environment. The feedback is a serious thing at Vinted that makes you get even better and marks your achievements. There’s a positive vibe in the company, so you actually feel like doing great work. And as for the work environment, how can I say it’s anything less than awesome, when I get to work with the nicest people and we can bring our dogs to work?

