A Man on a Mission

Caroline Thomas
Vinventions Story
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2017

It was the afernoon of Friday, Sept 1st when we realized, after months of hard work and organizing every little detail of our company’s rebranding, that the Brand Ambassador items would not get to our Argentinian plant on time for the internal launch event on Sept 7th. These Ambassador items were being shipped to all our 550 associates around the world, and we could not stand the idea of having our South American colleagues not receive them on time for our internal launch event.

So, after some moments of panicking, we decided to go look for someone in our Belgian plant who would be willing to hop on a plane the following Monday and take the Brand Ambassador items to Argentina.

We ran up and down the offices trying to find someone still at work who would accept to travel to Argentina with a bag in hand and a big suitcase with all Ambassador items. We found Germain, Project Engineer working in our Technical Services Department (Operations) at Thimister, Belgium, and he agreed to be our man to go on this mission… We equipped him with a plane ticket and a phone to document his trip with the objective to place our new Brand Ambassador bag in every single photo. That’s the price he had to pay for going on a trip to Argentina.

It might sound easy and fun, but our first challenge was the suitcase: How do we fit in a suitcase 50 wall calendars, 50 brochures and 50 sample boxes? However, as we are a solutions oriented company, we clearly managed this challenge by making sure his luggage was well overweight!

And so off he went with a taxi from our Belgian plant to Brussels Airport, transiting through Madrid, flying direct to Buenos Aires, where his trip wasn’t over, because from there he flew to Mendoza, where he was picked up and taken to San Juan, where our plant in Argentina is! Not a trip for the likes of everyone, especially with a special bag in hand!

The Brand Ambassador bags would not have been ready and complete for our South American colleagues without Germain’s true Vinventions spirit! Check out the pictures he shared to document his dedication and support for our rebranding project.

And the next time you come over to Thimister, make sure to say hi to Germain!

P.S. Some of the selfie photos have Vinventions turned around, but this is what makes this story truly authentic!

Ready to leave.
41 kilos of Brand Ambassadors Items!

From Brussels to Madrid, Madrid to Buenos Aires and then to Mendoza

First stop Madrid
Welcome to Argentina. Ready for the last flight to Mendoza
Finaly there!
Germain is welcomed by Juan at Mendoza airport
After such a long day, the Vinventions Bag needs a good rest!
Welcome to Vinventions Argentina
The launch event in Argentina
Going back to Belgium
Last stop in Madrid
Welcome back to Brussels
Welcome back to Vinventions SPRL

