Ship It Days event Q1 2023

Larissa Tobias
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2023

Hey there! It’s Larissa, and I’m thrilled to be part of the Ship It Days Committee this year. Buckle up, because I’m about to give you a sneak peek into the most exciting event of Q1 2023!

The SID Committee
The SID Committee 😉

You might be wondering, what are Ship It Days?

Well, it’s our version of a hack-a-thon, but with a twist.

You don’t need to be a coding wizard to participate. You can create automation for a painful task that’s been killing your team’s productivity, dream up a cool feature that’s been on the back burner for ages, or even write a blog post. Yes, you heard it right — a blog post! Now, that’s what I call flexibility.

And here’s the best part — it’s a chance to let your creativity run wild and work with people you wouldn’t normally collaborate with. Who knows, you might end up making some new friends along the way!

We strongly encourage participation, but it’s not mandatory. And don’t let the word “hack” scare you — the focus is on delivering a fully-working product in just two days, and the possibilities are endless!

Now, let’s dive into the process

About three weeks before the event, we start collecting project ideas — a short description of the product and the team you need to ship it will do the trick.

Next comes the exciting part — pitching your ideas! One week before the event, we meet to pitch our proposals and form teams. And, of course, there’s breakfast on the house the morning of the event. We wouldn’t want you to work on an empty stomach, now would we?

breakfast bowls

The event ends at the end of the next day when everyone presents their work to the whole company. And let me tell you, it’s the perfect opportunity to show off your hard work and impressive skills.

Let’s revisit the last Ship It Days

We had 17 projects and almost 50% of the company was involved — talk about a party!

Here are some nice moments we got on camera!

Some of the projects we had

Home page improvement 🏡

Improve the experience for home landers by adding more data about the company and also a Trustpilot widget.

Mobile pop up 📱

Add a pop-up to prevent users from leaving the website on the mobile version.

Price calendar 🗓

🎉 This project was the winner of this SID! 🎉

The implementation was great and the idea is also super useful for the final user.

Like some flight websites, we provide the prices in the calendar when the user is looking for the best dates to book a hotel.

Dark mode! 🖤

The idea is to use the device theme to render the website in the dark mode.

1 Click Freeze 🥶

To help users that do their research in advance but hate making early commitments.

This feature enables the user to freeze a hotel price for a determined amount of time.

And we also had other 12 super cool projects!

Voting round

After the projects were presented we had a live voting round online and we were able to share the winner in the next 20 minutes!

The winners

The Recommendations project won an honorable mention!

Recommendations team

One Click Freeze won an honorable mention!

One Click Freeze team

Price calendar won the main prize! Congratulations 🎉

Price Calendar team

Now, let’s talk about feedback

We care about how we can make it better next time, so we sent out a survey to the company to collect feedback about the event.

The results were overwhelmingly positive, with most people having a good experience and enjoying working with different teams. But of course, there’s always room for improvement.

We might need more focus time, and new joiners need to feel more prepared to participate. And we’ll make sure to keep the parties and fun events under control. We don’t want to interrupt the flow of creativity, do we?

So, are you excited yet? I know I am! Stay tuned for more updates about future Ship It Days.



Larissa Tobias
Writer for

👩🏻‍💻 frontend developer, 👩🏻‍🍼mother, ESFP-A, ♓️ pisces (ela/she)