Alethea Chemaly
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2022


We had a Fitness Challenge and this is how it went…

As we (in the Northern hemisphere at least!) dwelled in the cold, dark, misery of winter, drowning our varying degrees of coviditis and lockdowns in too much comfort food, alcohol and the like… we thought some group motivation could go a long way to help wipe the post-holiday blues away.

The goal? To increase the amount of exercise we could fit into our busy schedules. To prioritise our wellbeing and encourage each other to do the same. To Connect with one another remotely over something other than work.

And hence our very first Fit Feb was born — FindHotel’s month-long , fitness-focussed challenge.

It worked as follows:

Everyone and anyone of our team around the globe could take part , regardless of fitness level. The rules were simple: Whoever spends the most time being physical — regardless of exertion or calories burnt or distance — wins (and some pretty cool prizes at that!)

The results?

A wonderful 28 of us signed up , donned our gear and took to the roads / gyms / slopes / wheels to get moving.

Collectively, we covered:

- 1,614 kms of ground

- spent 444 hours and 56 minutes working out, and

- climbed 17.800 metres!!!

Beautiful landscapes were captured around the Globe, with runners and cyclists snapping pics in the Netherlands…

… Poland …


… Brazil…

Our Skiiers took to the slopes:

Our dancers’ salsa’d , our climbers climbed, and various other sports

What made me most proud was seeing some new friendships forming, people trying new things and being open to expanding their horizons .

Huge Congratulations to our winner, Fernando , who racked up a whopping 57 hours and 38 minutes working out.

(Proudly showing us his swag and prizes)

Our runners up Omer and Luis smashed 44 hours 19minutes and 42 hours 54 minutes respectively.

Some extra kudos and a couple of extra prizes went out to:

Saman — for being our most dedicated newcomer! Nothing could stop this pocket rocket from getting her workouts in — even onboarding , life in a new country and moving house, she somehow found the time and motivation to push out her first 5km run! You go girl!

Kaushal — for being our most open-minded and inquisitive challenger — you went with the flow, tried new sports and made new friends along the way. This really brought a smile to a lot of faces and we hope to see you maintain this joie de vivre in every aspect of your life :)

Claire — for always encouraging others, inviting people to try new things with her.

Mark — for keeping up his workouts even with a new baby at home!

Ines — for inspiring us all with her impressive running pace, baby in pram and all!

Vini — for smashing his first 10km run!

Pedro — for getting himself into a top 5 spot and holding down the fort for the other crossfitters...

THANK YOU to everyone for taking part, motivating one another, smashing some pretty impressive goals and most importantly BRINGING THE GOOD VIBES.

Until the next one :)

