Get those cameras on! 1000 FREE VIOLA TOKENS await selected YouTubers <This Weekend Only>

The Weekender Campaign is back! This time, on YouTube!

Freddie Lacorte
3 min readFeb 2, 2018


Over the weekend, we are searching for YouTubers out there who can spare time to create their own explainer videos with at least 5 minutes in length.

From 2nd to 4th February 2018, we are accepting self-produced videos from our community and supporters — and get the chance to be selected as Viola.AI’s YouTube Video Makers and will be entitled to 1000 FREE VIOLA TOKENS. Plus, an automatic inclusion in the Viola.AI Transformers League!

If not selected, the entry will be counted as a normal bounty participation. The Bounty Program 2.0 Conditions apply.

Be creative! It can be done in 2D animation, live action, whiteboard animation, photo collage, portrait selfie, screen recording with your voice on the background, and more!

…Talk about any positive experience that you’ve had so far with Viola.AI Team and the entire campaign.

…Share your personal review about the Viola.AI, its core objectives and core capabilities.

…Educate others on your understanding about VIOLA Tokens. How does it work? Where can you use VIOLA?

…In a nutshell, what’s the story behind Viola.AI? Talk about our Mission, “To change the world, one relationship at a time”.

…Look at the love and relationship challenges. What are they? Is Viola.AI the ultimate solution?

…Or any other relevant topics related to our ICO that will benefit the entire community!

Need some inspiration?

Watch this video from one of our YouTube Bounty participants where he presented his balanced views on Viola.AI through screen recording with his own narration.

YouTube Bounty Entry on 22 Jan 2018 from The Cryptonomatron.

So what are you waiting for?! Create your content on YouTube now! You only have until Sunday to do so.

To Qualify: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and upload your self-produced video. Include our website in your description. You must have an existing account on Viola.AI. Not registered yet? Join here.

To Register: Only when you’re done uploading your masterpiece on YouTube, please register later through this link: Proof of Love Form


YOU can help billions of singles and couples around the globe who are in their journey from dating, courtship to marriage.

YOU can touch lives by helping us spread the word and show your Proof of Love of Viola.AI.

We are rewarding the active members of the Viola.AI Community. Get involved today and let your zeal of passion, your Proof of Love, pay off.


Submit Your Online Application here: Proof of Love Form

From Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium

